Eighteen - First Steps First

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Esmeralda was on her way to Jade's house. She decided that she wanted to tell Jade her progress in person. There was no doubt that she would have a good reaction. Perhaps she could even be done with the job soon. It was possible that German was already in love with her. They only ever agreed that the deal would last until he fell in love with her. No more required, no less. Anyway, she had a decent sum of money coming her way after this. Or so she hoped. She had calculated how much she was offered and she hadn't been given a penny yet. Esmeralda wasn't worried though. Jade wouldn't remember to pay her straight away because she would take it as some twisted favour, but her brother, Matias would not. He would understand. He had more tools in the toolbox than his sister. Even though none of them were particularly smart, it was obvious that he was the one taking care of both of them. Once she had finished the job (in her eyes) she would see Matias for suitable payment.

She made her way up the gravel path. Click, clack, click, clack. She checked that everything was in her bag. Esmeralda knocked the door.

"Who is that?" Matty said. His sister was frantically trying to find her shoe.

"I don't know, go see!" She insisted.

"Why don't you do something yourself for once?" He was tired of always looking after his sister. Matty wanted to watch the TV.

She replied something about looking good - which was typical and so very like her, but she finally answered the door. (Of course she found and strapped on her shoe before hand.)

It was her employee. How sweet.

She told her that she was here to give a progress report that she'd be very pleased with.

Well she should be, thought Jade, I'm giving her plenty of whack for this!

Obviously, like any courteous employer, Jade asked Esmeralda to sit down as she strutted to the kitchen to make her a drink. She snapped her fingers and her brother clamoured by her side.

"So." She set the drinks down to create some tension, "What's the report?"

Esmeralda pulled out a bunch of papers first and handed them to Matty. He nodded as he briefly flicked through them. She then turned to Jade. Her face was straight. Like poker. She sat still and didn't flinch.

Finally, she reported, "I kissed him."

Marty's mouth dropped open. Jade looked like he was about to cry. She could never be pleased.

"He's supposed to kiss you!" Her boss whined.

Her brother tried not to laugh, his face weirdly contorted into a half grin. She didn't smile, but she smirked.

"He kissed me back!" Suddenly Matty and Jade choruses in oohs and aahs sharing glances at each other.

He nudged his sister, and looked at the actress, "Was it, uh, passionate?" He fell into laughter.

"Matty!" Jade exclaimed. She nudged her brother back. Realising Esmeralda was there, she turned to her, trying her best poker face. Even though she secretly wanted to beam, and still cry because there was still a chance that he would not be interested. "Anything else?" Esmeralda looked bewildered. Oh, how innocent she was. She thought that one little kiss was enough to win back her German. Her head shook.

Well. Drastic times call for drastic measures. "Marriage."

Esmeralda rapidly swallowed her drink but it went down the wrong way. She launched into a coughing fit. Matty rushed over the other side of the table to pat her back. Once she finally finished coughing, she squared Jade in the eyes.

"Marriage." She repeated. Jade nodded, "How?"

Now Jade fell into laughter. "How is it normally down?"

Esmeralda said monotone, "A proposal."

Jade slowly clapped her hands. Her student was getting it! "Exactly."

There was silence for a moment. Esmeralda picked up her glass and had another sip of her water. Her eyes darted from Matty to Jade.

"You ask him to marry you." This time there was no coughing, just a spray all over the siblings.

"That's ridiculous. We haven't even gone on a date!"

Jade laughed. "Well you'd better push things up a bit, then."

She sat there stunned. She couldn't be serious. Marriage!! Even she did what she was told, German would say no. He was only just starting to fall in love with her, if anything more. They had only just kissed! Usually the rest of the 'falling in love' happens after the first kiss.

Jade showed no signs of not being serious.

She had a lot of work to do.

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