Ten - A Familiar Face

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Angie sat in the Teacher's Lounge feeling bittersweet. She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about this new teacher coming to them. Sure she liked to work with new people but she kind of felt sorry for him. They hadn't even met him yet and Gregorio already seemed to hate his guts! That would take a long time to wear off knowing him.

The teachers decided to call it a day and they all got up out of their chairs. Pablo told her that he was getting the rest of his work to mark and he would be back soon.

Silence hung in the room. Angie looked down at her lap. She took a deep breath in.


Was it a text? A call? She craned her neck to see if Pablo was coming in. No. She sat silently making sure she couldn't hear anything.

Another buzz.

Would it be okay if -?

She knew that she shouldn't, by she leaned over the table to see who was texting Pablo.

G - Ge -

She gasped. Geremias! Angie shuffled over to his chair so she could get to his phone. She sat perked upright in his chair and unlocked his phone. He never changed his password. That was the one perk of being really close to him.


Okay. She was in. Texts... Angie.. Okay. She would skip past her contact - for now.


Blah blah blah.... The texts between them weren't interesting. Just work. Sort of. He hadn't started work yet.

Suddenly a wave of curiosity washed over her. Who was he? She wanted to see what he looked like.

Okay. She clicked on the picture on his caller ID.

Hmm. This face looked familiar!

A noise startled her. Panicked, she half threw Pablo's phone on the table and stepped over to her chair and fell back into it. She crossed her right leg over her left leg and tried to calm her racing heartbeat.

"Pablo!" His face seemed emotionless. Blank. Or maybe like he was in thought.

"Angie." He replied.

"I'm sorry. I, uhh, just... I'll tell you what you saw." Angie hung her head, shame beginning to hit her.

"Oh, I forgot this paper." He walked over to the other end of the table and grabbed a lone sheet, "Now I have everything. Okay." Pablo was taking to himself but he then looked at Angie. "Did you say something?"

"Oh, no!" Angie said, deflecting the question.

"Okay." He said goodbye and left for the day.

Thank goodness he didn't say anything more. It would have been awkward otherwise. Even though they were best friends, he wouldn't have appreciated her invading his privacy like that.

Luckily, she would meet Geremias soon.

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