Thank you {Itachi x reader}

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You where taking a stroll through your village, you loved nighttime for a multitude of reasons. One being how placid it was, or how winsomely the stars would glitter behind the dark clouds in the night sky. Oh how ravishing it was, and these walks at night became quite normal for you, sadly you had chosen the wrong day to go outside. 

You realized, after a few minutes of your peaceful walking, that there was not a lot of people outside this evening. 'hmm... Whatever, I guess it's just one of those days no one wants to go outside," you conjectured. Your stomach grumbled, and you blatantly followed it's orders, and moved into a dango shop, which again, was a horrid idea that you would later regret.

"The usual," you said to the nice, plump, old lady, as you sat in a red both.

"Okay dearie..." she said in an almost aghast tone, "but you must hurry when eating, can you do that dearie?" She inquired, while her hands shook.

"Of course." you flashed a smile, you didn't think they where closing early that day. Weird.

You finished eating, in a relatively quick matter of time, then you paid and headed for the exit, when the old lady got ahold of your hand. You turned to look at her, she was now staring deep into your eyes. 'Creepy' you concluded.

"Be careful out there dearie, please promise me that," she almost whispered

"Yeah. Yes, of course, besides I'm a ninja, I can handle things," you promised, snapping out of a daze.

She let go of your hand and you left, then you headed home, in a semi speed walk. You where kind of freaked out, you knew this was how many horror stories started out. You couldn't have even been a block away from the dango shop when someone bumped into you. You caught yourself on the way to the ground, and tried to look up at the person who bumped into you, only to be scared shitless. The person who bumped into you was wearing a akatsuki cloak. You tried to take out a kunai, but to no avail, they pushed you to the ground, and took your bag that you kept your weapons in.

"Ugh!" You stated when your back hit the dirt.

"Hmm...You must be (f/n) (l/n). I hear your the lead ninja besides the (kage name) in (village name). You're impressive. How about we strike a deal?"

"Tch no," judging by his voice and his onyx coloured hair, he was Itachi Uchiha. 'Fuck,' you thought, 'why couldn't I bump into, at least a dumb, weak akatsuki member?!' "I'd never join the akatsuki. Not even if you threatened my life." You said aloud.

He cachinnated. "That's not what I was talking about."

"Then what is it? Do you want me to stay out of the akatsuki's way?" You asked, clearly baffled.

"No, not at all," the smile still hung on his face as he leaned down, to the point where you were on eye level. "I want you to come with me. Only me. None of the other akatsuki will know, and intern I will protect you with my life" it didn't seem like a suggestion, no, more of a demand.

"What? Are you on acid or something, I'd never agree to that! You're a terrible person!!" You retorted.

"Listen, I'm actually a nice person-"

"Yeah, sure, and I own a purple unicorn named Twilight," you interrupted him, which in turn, you assumed, would have irked him, but he just looked dolorous. He sighed.

"Fine. I'll show you the truth, I'm sorry, but this might be overwhelming. " And with that, he activated his Mangekyō Sharingan, and you saw what really happened that night in a fraction of a second. You couldn't take all the information that was being thrown at you, and you fainted.

"(f/n)? (f/n)!"

You opened your eyes, slowly trying to adjust them to the light in the room. You felt a warm hand on your cheek and looked over to see who it was attached to. It turned out to be the Uchiha who caused you to pass out in the first place. 

"....I'm sorry," was the first thing you could think of saying. 'I mean I was wrong, I assumed he was bad...But I was wrong. And I feel sorry for him, that must have been an emotional roller-coaster.' You thought

Your kind words took him by surprise. No one had ever said that to him. Not once had apologized for anything. You where the first. He then realized he had made the right decision in wanting you to stay with him. He looked down and then back up at you, with gratefulness and benignity in his eyes.

"Thank you, no one has ever said that to me," he removed his hand from your cheek.

"Seriously?" you sat up in the white bed, and looked down upon Itachi, who was sitting in a wooden chair, without his cloak. "No one's... No one has ever apologized for what has happened to you?"

He looked to the lamp, which was at your bedside. "...No"

You felt a wave of shame come upon you when you looked at his expression, it was filled with dejection, and you remembered you called him a terrible person. All of it just made you want to cry for this man who has gotten no love from anyone in a long while, and still has the determination to get out of bed in the morning.

"Well, I'm sorry," your voice cracked.

"Please don't cry (f/n)," he turned his sad expression towards you, as he took ahold of your hand.

'Great the guy with the depressing background is asking me not to cry. I feel even worse now.'

You got off the bed and hugged Itachi. "You deserve such a better life," your voice was more normal now, not perfect, but better than before. "And....maybe I could help with that...?" You felt embarrassed about your terrible pickup line.

'Wow (f/n) is full of surprises' Itachi concluded in his head with a smile and hugged you back. He broke out of the hug and kissed your cheek.

"Yeah that would be amazing."      

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