No more teasing (Itachi x reader lemon)

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You liked your long popsicle up and down, making sure that Itachi would notice. Some of the melted sticky juices from the yellow stick ran down the sides of your lips, finding their way to your chin then the concrete floor bellow.

It was a hot summer day, and like all hot summer days a cold popsicle is usually involved in the mix. So you and you dashing hubby when down to a local markey and bought some.

Though, you had some more interesting ideas to do throughout the day rather than just sit in a lawn chair in the back yard and eat popsicles. No. You wanted action. And a little reading along the way is always fun.

So here you where deep throating a popsicle. Twisting your tongue around its curves. Enjoying every ounce of the flavour it stored. Flicking the top of it with your strong mouth muscle, in hopes that a certain someone would notice.

And he did. Oh boy he did. He shifted next to you in his lawn chair. Trying to avert his eyes. Avert his attention. Avert his growing cock.

Another lick at the popsicle. Then another. And another. And another.

Itachi tried thinking about other things, he truly did. How many feathers does the average crow have. How he could improve his magyeko. How he wanted your pretty little mouth wrapped around his throbbing- no!

His little problem was growing by each succulent lick or bob and Itachi had just about enough of it.

"That is it. I've had enough with your teasing. It's time for you to taste your own medicine."

Your lips moved into a grin, releasing the popsicle from your mouth. Itachi stood, then grabbed your white tank top to stand. His grip was viscous around the front of the loose shirt and bra.

"Itachi~" Moaning a bit, your delicate fingers let's some of the edible stick to slide off and hit the pavement.

Itachi's eyes where off you- only for a split second. Anymore would be torture. He saw how the yellow treat was gliding off your hand, and then down bellow by your feet.

"Don't drop the popsicle or let it slip. I don't want to have to clean it later," he growled.

"Mh hm."

He pulled his hand towards himself, thus you with it, and despratly kissed  you. It was messy and fun and sexy and so many things into just one steamy make out session. His tongue forcefully entered your mouth, craving ever millimeter.

His lips where fierce, almost hurting as he kissed. Your teeth met multiple times, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was him and you.

When you needed air he refused to part, still needing more from you. The lips he kissed over and over again slowly turned to blue as you couldn't receive oxygen.

"Tachi..." was all that could be said and Itachi understood.

As you panted, thick saliva made its way to your chin (whether it be yours or his, you did not know). Itachi made a b-line for your maw and latched his teeth onto it whilst his hands grabbed other places of you sweet, gorgeous, perfect body.

You had almost forgotten about the popsicle, that was until you dropped it. The yellow juices splashed onto your feet and the ground in almost slow motion.

In an instant a hand was on your cheeks moving your head to look at him.

"You dropped it." It wasn't really in a matter-of-fact tone. No. This was more in a 'you fucked up' type of dialog.

You nodded as his eyes narrowed.

"Did I say you could drop it?"

"No-no you didn't," you choked.

"Exactly." With a force greater than he had used on you before, you where turned and pushed onto the lawn chair, the popsicle stick no longer in hand.

He moved over you and forcefully ripped your shirt and bra, exposing your back to him. Thank god you had a fence.

His left hand shimmied under you to attack itself to a ball of flesh. It squeezed and kneaded, the only goal was to please him.

His mouth bit at your back, sure to leave marks for days to come. His right hand pulling down your shorts and underwear ever so subtly.

Feeling the heat on your heat, you moaned. "Itachi~"

"Hush." A gruff tone met your ear, whilst he pulled out a hard muscle, previously enveloped by a cage of cloth.

At a moderate pace you could feel him entering into you. It felt perfect. The crow man took in the right before him. A beautiful person below him, face down ass up.

It was astonishing how tight you where, which only caused him to groan.  (You desperately hoped the neighbors wouldn't hear).

Once sheathed, he pulled out and rushed back in to meet the warm feeling of inside you. Pure bliss.

"Itachi~ hmm.."

His sweat dripped down from his forehead to fall to your back, then slide down your crevecices to encounter his cock ravishing your hole.

Another whip of his pelvis caused a iniquitus sound upon your thighs. Another hit caused more moans and cries from the both of you (you more so when it came to the cries).

His voice dropped multiple octaves as your name whisped through his chapped lips.

His thrust had a nefarious speed to them, and a contumacious force when compared to his soft touches on your breasts.

"Close," was all that yu could murmer, yet he understood.

"Me too," a devilish reply.

He leaned his face into you as he grunted your name and sinful praises into your hickeyed shoulder.

Another thrust and the both of you where ready. You whined his name while he yelled yours. His cum dripping down to your thighs and calves.

He pulled out with little energy left and practically fell on top of you.

"That popsicle is going to be a pain in the ass to clean up."

So I was writing this one and I had a lot of ideas for it so like I wrote two but I'm not done with the second one but I will also be posting that one lol.

Also I'm currently writing the MinatoxReaderxNaruto one, a
Sakurax Reader one and a
KibaxReader in case you where wondering!

Follow me on Tumblr @Mitsuki-the-gay-fluffy-snake

Thanks lovelies have a good day!

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