Vanilla hair (jiraiya x orochimaru fluff)

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Sorry I haven't been posting a lot shits been crazy like I accedentaly started a fire and my sister got arrested (for a different reason) but everything's cool now so hopefully I can update more!


Orochimaru sat with his legs crossed on the black bed reading a scroll containing various S-ranked jutsu. His back slumped over as his lemon eyes danced across the thin paper he held within his porcelain fingers.

Jiraiya watched Orochimaru in boredom as he sat next to him on the silk sheets. The two twenty four year olds had been lovers for quite some time and it always irked Jiraiya whenever the other sannin would pay more attention to his jutsu than he would him. I mean Jiraiya was awesome. More awesome than any scroll. Why couldn't Orochimaru realize that??

Pouting as always, Jiraiya moved closer to his boyfriend and wraped his legs around him from Orochimaru's left side. He gently rested his chin on the cursed snakes shoulder. Orochimaru still paid no mind to childish Jiraiya and continued reading along. The albino took a deep breath as if soaking into Orochinaru's smell.

"Vanilla," Jiraiya absent mindedly whispered. Though it wasn't much, the boy was always absent minded.

"Hm..?" Finally, a response.

"Your hair... it's like.. like... vanilla" he struggled to get the words out of his mouth as if he were unsure or confused about what the scent might really be. Jiraiya's strait red marks became disturbed by the wrinkling of Jiraiya's face. He tilted his head so that his nose could access Orochimarus hair easier.

Not much time passed when he laughed quietly and concluded, "yes...Yes it is like vanilla!" He wrapped his arms around his lover and swayed side to side ever so gently, careful not to inturupt Orochimaru. Not that he was afraid, well he was a bit, but more so because he wanted to respect Orochimaru's time reading. Even if he pouted about it.

A soothing hand was placed onto Jiraiya's head which made both males smile.

"I think it's the new shampoo you bought," The pale male moved his head slightly so that he could still read his scroll but also lay his head on his best friend's.

"I like it," he rubbed his head further into Orochimaru's neck.

"Me too."

-----Kya~~~ I was thinking about a lemon with these two but i mean my mind was just like but how about So this happened and in sorry if you don't like it! Side note I've really been getting to love tobirama like I have a whole au where like ya boy tobi got gay married and then like adopted orochimaru and idk I just love it I'm sorry!----

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