I care {Shino x reader lemon}

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(Finally some of the 550 people actually suggested something....)

People always forgot about him, everyone except you. Everybody forgot he was there, except for you. Truth be told, Naruto, even in your younger years, was more popular than him. But you were the one constant in his life. Always noticing him. Always caring for him. He was grateful for you. He loved you. But he didn't know if you loved him.

"Hey, (f/n)?" He  inquired, while you two where on a two- man mission.

"Hm?" You took your eyes off the stars that where glittering above, and looked at the man that made your knees weak, who was laying next to you in the lime green grass.

"....Do you think I matter? Do you even care about my opinion?" His voice sounded cold and dry, like he was trying to hold back tears.

The question started you. Shino was always the strong one, and of course you knew he got sad when someone forgot about him, but you never thought it would truly get to him. Obviously you were wrong. You sat up in a matter of milliseconds.

"Of course people care about your opinion! You're supper cool! Who couldn't care about your opinion?" You tried to cheer him up, but to no avail. You couldn't see but he stared at you, amazed and saddened at the same time.

"I don't care what people think! I care about what you think," he looked away, ashamed. 'Does she care?' the thought kept repeating over and over, like a drum beat. The thought teased him. It hurt to think about, but for some reason he couldn't think of anything else.

You where taken aback, and blushing, at his words. He cared about what you thought, not other people. Your red face was noticed by the bug man, and then it was obvious. You liked him. He smiled and sat up. You where really confused about what was happening,. 'I mean one moment he sounded like he was about to cry, and the next he's smirking???'

He could practically see the night sky above sparking in your eyes, it outlined your beauty. He couldn't hold back, due to your grandeur and how you where always so kind towards him. He took off his jacket, and unbuttoned his shirt so he could kiss you. At this point you weren't confused anymore, in fact you wanted this, it was of great importance to you. The two of you kissed, and dam, was it magnificent for the both of you. During the kiss, which was now a make out session, you decided to slip his jacket and unbuttoned shirt off, whilst taking his goggles off.

When the both of you needed air, you thought to take a look at Shino, and you where not disappointed. Seeing his muscular chest made you see stars, and his face! You where kind of sad he kept this hidden from you for so long. 

He laid you on the ground, and nipped you neck.

"S-Shino please..." You pleaded, your words laced with lust. You couldn't take just foreplay, you needed him so badly. He understood your needing, he too felt it, so he gladly abided and started to remove clothes from your bodies.

Once he was done with that, he placed your legs at his hips and then, he infused his member into you. Due to his size, it was painful for you. Although after a long while of going, what seemed like, slow motion, it felt phenomenal, and you craved more.

"Shino....Ugh...M-more...." You grunted into his ear.

He responded by quickening his pace, to almost an inhuman speed.

"(y-(y/n)!" he moaned, tightening his grip on your hips.

"S-Shino....UGH! I'm....going....to c-c" And before you could finish your very drawn out sentence you came, unlike Shino, who continued to thrust in and out of you at the same rate as before. 

After 8 more minutes of bliss he finally came, and exited your body. Laying next to you, he wrapped his arms around you, and threw his jacket on the both of you.

"I'm in love with you..." You whispered, still nervous about what he might think.

He laughed in response. "You sleep with a man, and you still worry whether he loves you or not? You truly are an innocent girl." He laughed once more while adding, "But that aside I love you too." And the two of you snuggled till morning.

(I literally know almost nothing about Shino, so I'm sorry if this wasn't what you expected. Also I have 550 views and only one of you has an suggestion?????)😩

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