Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

Ren had transferred from Tokyo,Tokitsu High just today. Under Amakata-sensei's prompts,she'd revealed that she played various instruments,softball and basketball. She also used to swim. Nobody could tell what her impression of Iwatobi High School was as she always had the same unapproachable,unsmiling face. She wasn't willing to talk at all,though,that was made clear to everyone.

"Like another Haru," Makoto Tachibana thought,as he surveyed the new transfer student curiously,tapping his chin thoughtfully with his pen.


Makoto's POV

It was breaktime.

"Tachibana-kun,would you mind showing Miyamoto-san around the school?" Amakata-sensei asked. 

"No,I'll manage just fine." Ren cut across sharply.

Exactly like Haru.

"No,no,Miyamoto-san,we can't afford you to get lost,"Amakata-sensei smiled brightly.

"I have a good sense of direction," countered Ren firmly,and she threw a sideways glance at me,demanding me to do something.My heart almost stopped. Daggers were practically shot at anyone that looked her in the eye,I can definitely see why Amakata-sensei falters while talking to her.

The similarities just increase. I sigh.

"Uh,Ren-san,what about you come eat with my friends,on the rooftop? They're all part of the swim club,you know!" I interrupted the brief silence that was solidifying like ice. It could've dropped ten degrees. Ren narrowed her eyes at me. I gave a nervous laugh,before tugging her by the sleeve and guiding her to the rooftop. I guess I could say I'm quite lucky she didn't attempt to kill me on the way. Hopefully Nagisa could deal with her,he always has a way with everyone.. Hopefully.

Ren's POV

Tall guy's dragging me to a rooftop for lunch.Big,but a major wimp,though. Anyone could figure that out if they witnessed those awkward five minutes. Pretty amusing guy.

We reached the rooftop,and were ambushed by a blonde-headed hamster bowling into Makoto,and yelling "Mako-chan!"

By hamster,I kind of mean it. He's a small boy. Is he even old enough to attend high school? 

"Eh? Who's that,Mako-chan?" The hamster asked,cocking his head to one side and gesturing towards me. "Miyamoto. Ren Miyamoto. " I answered,slowly,carefully. The place only had a couple of people eating lunch there. I gazed at the largest group.  A girl with her maroon hair in a ponytail smiled sweetly at me,a bespectacled guy was shaking his head and sighing at the demented hamster,while a blue-eyed guy inclined his head slightly to acknowledge my existence,before eating..whatever he was eating. Moody and miserable. Can't say I haven't been like that,though.

"Ren-chan!! I'm Nagisa! You have a boyish name,just like Gou-chan! You share the same name as Mako-chan's brother,you know? Are you going to be part of the swim club? We're really short on members. " The little boy snapped me out of my trance with his non-stop chattering.
You know what,hamsters are quieter than this. New species?

"Don't add -chan to my name,little hamster. No,I'm probably not going to join your club,because one,I wasn't a good swimmer to begin with,two,I prefer staying dry. Thanks." I forced a smile,sitting down in a corner and flipping open my book. 

"Don't call me hamster!" The blondie named Nagisa said indignantly. "Now now,let's eat,shall we?" Makoto smiled at Nagisa,who pouted in return.

The maroon-haired girl shifted and sat beside me. She gave a cheery smile and introduced herself as Kou Matsuoka. Hang on..

"Matsuoka.. Matsuoka.. " I murmured to myself. I was pretty sure I heard that surname somewhere..only I forgot where exactly. I gave myself a mental shake and continued listening to Kou. Matsuoka was a pretty common family name. 

"...already know Makoto-senpai and Nagisa-kun. This is Rei-kun,and that's Haruka-senpai," Kou continued,pointing to the bespectacled guy and the blue-eyed guy respectively,"We are the Iwatobi Swim Club. I'm the manager,while Makoto-senpai is a backstroke swimmer. Nagisa-kun swims breaststroke,Rei-kun swims butterfly,and Haruka-senpai does free. Would you want to come watch us practice?" 

I stared. Blankly. 

No. I definitely didn't want to.  
The thing was how I'll break that to them.

Tsundere Swimmer ( Iwatobi Swim Club x Kuudere)Where stories live. Discover now