Chapter 12

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  Last chapter: Author-chan was lazy and just decided to make a fool of Rin the poor shark boy I apologize Rin-senpai.

P.S. Sousuke did swap his salt with sugar.

  Ren's POV

    I suppose I should go over to Kou's house now and then..

check if she's alive.

And i guess i did promise shark mouth something

On top of that I kinda feel bad for that guy

Even though it was amusing.


Wow I'm such a sadist. 

I guess it won't hurt,but still though. I shouldn't get too close to her.

My hand unconsciously moved over to my left side,where my cellphone lay limply on the couch beside me. 

I dialed in Kou's number.

Hang on

Since when did I keep promises?

My phone vibrated in my hand,and a second later for me to react



I picked it up.

"What is it you are dead if this is another one of your stupid prank calls," I threatened into the phone. I heard his deep,velvety laugh over the line.

"Nah it gets old. I was just going to ask you something." 

"Spit it out,then. And hurry I get older every second that passes." I ordered. Like always.

"Rin--" He began.

"You mean shark boy?" I corrected,raising my eyebrows as I stared straight at the television.

Sousuke's POV

  "You mean shark boy?" I heard Ren's sharp voice say over the line,and I rolled my eyes. Those two make a perfect evening entertainment. They should go into the comedy industry. Putting careers aside.

"In your case,yes." I replied. I guess it's fortunate Rin went to get a drink.

"Well,he now has a thunder cloud over his head wherever he goes,and I figured since you're usually like that t--"

"Excuse me?" Her voice rose shrilly.

"Um.." I took a bit of time to think it through.

"Sousuke has the future shark fin soup gotten to you? You never usually hesitate." Ren asked. I had enough sense to ignore the first sentence.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. Stop underestimating me. Even if Mr Shark Fin Soup didn't pass any kind of disease on you,I.." Ren shot back,then broke off in the middle. She blurted out the rest,".. know you hate this,but you haven't healed."

I was thunderstruck. She..

"..I guess that's why we got along. We knew everything." I reasoned.

"We knew too much,actually." I added softly.

I nudged my shoulder around.

A small stab of pain.

"Sou. I know you hate this. And I'm not going to stop you,because it's what you want. Physiotherapy at Iwatobi. Street 10 Block 12, 3.00 p.m.  Remember,if you lose one shoulder you can't piggy-back me anymore." Ren said,sounding just like a cross between a sister and a mother,and I felt myself smiling,as I recalled those days back in Tokitsu.

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