Chapter 15

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      Third Person POV

   Sunlight embraced Ren in an invisible cloak of warmth as she stepped out onto her front porch,locking her fingers together and stretching her arms out,letting a small yawn escape. 

Ren pulled her feet along,out of her street,and the vaguely familiar stone stairs came into view. Of course,she definitely couldn't have any alone time while she's in a fanfiction about Free! . 

Seems like the wall needs some fixing.


Haru's crystal blue eyes stared down at Ren,who tilted her head slightly and looked back,hard. Makoto stood awkwardly beside Haru. "..Uh..Haru,we should get going,we're going to be late." Makoto said.

Haru dropped his gaze and followed Makoto down the stairs.

"Tachibana." Ren spoke out of the blue,her footsteps in rhythm with the two swimmers'. "Why do you always seem to be scared of me?"

"Eh?" Makoto was taken by surprise. Haru observed this for a bit,then answered,"He's just scared of everything." Ren stayed silent,then dug around in her sling bag for her cell.


Matsuoka,Kou: Joint practice,18th July ^^

Hazuki,Nagisa: Roger !! :D

Matsuoka,Rin: Why do you Iwatobi people seem so free

Miyamoto,Ren: Says the guy who found the time to comment something as meaningless as his life.

Matsuoka,Rin: Go to hell you twisted punk

Miyamoto,Ren: With pleasure.


 Ren dumped her phone back into her sling bag. Makoto began to make small talk with Haru(who was not listening),and she quickened her pace,leaving the two to walk together slowly.


The Iwatobi Swim Club sat in a circle,on the rooftop,ready to tuck into their lunch. The thing was.

"Where's Ren-san?" Rei asked,adjusting his glasses.

Their trial member wasn't there.

"I'll go look for her,Mako-chan,you come along." Nagisa piped up,set down his Iwatobi Cream Bun,and deaf to Makoto's protests,pulled him away from the rooftop. "I'll try looking around the west wing,you do the opposite side,Mako-chan! We'll go back to the rooftop in half an hour,okay?" Nagisa said,and he ran off,leaving Makoto in the dust. Makoto sighed.

Their half hour was almost up,Makoto just wanted to go back to his bento. He passed a classroom,nope,no Ren. He made his way to the vending machines,deciding to go back to the rooftop early by taking the flight of stairs a little way beside the vending machines. 


Makoto jumped,a chill running down his back,and he shrieked.

Ren sat in the thin gap between the two vending machines,a can of soda cupped in her hands,her legs only slightly stretched out,so that only the tips of her canvas shoes could be seen. 

Ren considered him for a moment. She rose from her uncomfortable position,slipping out of the gap. "What do you need me to do?" Ren asked,raising her empty can over her head in her left hand,right foot forward,left foot at the back. Clunk,it hit the rim of the metal bin,then fell inside. "Um.. I guess we'll like you to eat with us?" Makoto said nervously. "I've eaten." Ren said.

Makoto faltered. "Oh" was his only reply.

"Your literature is seriously bad,by the way." Ren criticized randomly. "Ye-yeah," Makoto scratched his head sheepishly.

"It was a near-fail." 


"I'm trying to hold a civilized conversation so would you,please,play along?" 

Ren was exasperated.

"Um..yeah..?" Makoto mumbled.

Ren trod on Makoto's foot,and he winced.

"Look here,big one,I feel that you are the only great idiot I haven't conversed with in your stupid wannabe club. Hamster is eliminated because all he does is talk,Glasses is eliminated because I had to be unfortunate enough to be matched with him in Chem class,which means I need to interact with him,Kou is eliminated because she's probably the only female company I have around,I don't bother with Dolphin because well,you know. And when the time comes for me to have to effing cheer for you to win your lame water race,I'll like things to be less awkward,thank you. very. much. " Ren huffed,all in one breath,her sharp,deep blue eyes contracted,Makoto's collar grasped tightly in her iron fist. 

Makoto trembled,unable to respond to this situation. Ren composed herself again,releasing Makoto's collar.

"Big One,I've seen you being perfectly normal before,you just turn into an ostrich when I'm around,and I don't effing know why. I'll like to get acquainted with you,because well,you never know when you've forgotten to bring your pens on an exam day." Ren added. 

Makoto looked at Ren in half-hearted disbelief.

"Stop looking at me like that,it's something called resourcefulness." Ren rolled her eyes,as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Makoto raised his eyebrows a little. "Well,I always have extra pens if you need them,but.." 

"Okay,I don't know why I'm--I'm just,kind of--,well,scared by your hostile personality,and please don't kill me,but you remind me of a murderous leopard," Makoto said,his face paling,inching backwards away from Ren as if frightened she might pounce on him and attack.

Ren snorted. "Murderous leopard," She repeated. 

And then she laughed.

All that 'hostility' as Makoto says,disappears,when she laughs,Ren looked perfectly pure(not that she isn't,she's just a little violent). 

Maybe Makoto wasn't so afraid of the murderous leopard in the swim club.

"Do I look like I have fur?" Ren snapped.

Or maybe not.


(A/N) Aah finally a new update. 2 more people have added this lame story to their reading lists,and I'll like to thank them,but I forgot their usernames. Sorry.

But anyway,this chapter was to standardize the closeness between each character and Ren,I started off with Makoto. Next chapter would probably be Haru,or Rin.  

I've been seriously busy these days,my exams are next week T_T and I haven't even opened my textbooks yet. Heck,I'm not even sure which subjects are on which day exactly.  But anyway,I'm gonna do another chapter today,so it's 2 updates in total ^^

Sky,over and out!

Tsundere Swimmer ( Iwatobi Swim Club x Kuudere)Where stories live. Discover now