Q&A ^^

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  @Neko_Savior asked:

To all the boys,what do you think of Ren-chan?

Sousuke: Reckless childhood friend. She got better after a while though,but now she freezes anyone that touches her. I swear the water goes cold in the pool when she jumps in.

Rin: She annoys the heck out of me,enough said.

Nagisa: Mmm? I haven't gotten to know her very well yet,but I can tell she's very smart and funny!  ...I think.

Rei: She is one that uses her brain and logic unlike Nagisa-kun,but of course not more than me :D

Makoto: .Uh..She won't be reading this will she?

Ren: Oh yes I will. How's your day?

Makoto: !!!! -gulp- -hiding behind Haru-

Haru: ..... That requires effort.

Momo: She's reeeallly cuuuttee

Niitori: Eh..uh.. who? ^^;

To Ren:

What's your favorite animal?

Ren: Ho hum. Animal? What a complete waste of time,I need to do homework.

Ren: Well,let's say the polar bear is cool,no pun intended. 


Ren: They're dying as we talk though

Nagisa: Don't be like this Ren-chaaann! :(

Ren: Please shut up.



Rei: Yes?

Ren: What's the squareroot of 36

Rei: 6

Ren: Thank you. You're dismissed.

Rei: Did you just..use me as a human calculator?

Ren: That's what you are

Rei: But I'm pretty sure the math homework for the third years' second week,Tuesday are not mechanical.

Ren: Are you mechanical?

Rei: Logically speaking..no.

Ren: Dismissed.

Rei: But Ren-senpai


XD So I just had to inject some more humour somewhere. Questions please!! ^^ (You can ask more than 10 i don't mind lol XD)

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