Chapter 17

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          Ren's POV

19th July,8 p.m.


I'm just running. No,I'm not running away from anything,or to anything in particular. I'm  just running. I honestly don't know what I'm up to,I just put on my running shoes thirty minutes after criticizing all the television programs that came on,then opened the door,and jogged down the street.

I've probably been running for very long now.

I mean,I left the house at 6.30.

Perfectly normal.

 I stopped in the middle of a path,catching my breath,somewhere in a random park,and a 


The next thing I know,a brick wall runs right smash into me,and I feel pain shooting through my right ankle as I hit the pavement. Did I mention the ground was dusty and gross?

"What're you doing here?" 

I look up.

Third Person POV

  "Hi," Ren said.

"What're you doing here?" Rin repeated.

"Running,at least until you came and KO-ed me," Ren answered tonelessly.

"This isn't a game," Rin rolled his eyes,"your ankle looks bad,by the way." 

Ren snorted,gingerly rotating her ankle. "Thank you for noticing."  Rin extended a hand,which Ren eyed suspiciously before taking it.  

Plot twist

"DID I MENTION I HATE YOU,SHARK BOY?" Ren fumed as Rin crossed his arms and sniggered. Rin had released Ren's hand just as Ren was about to get up,as a result:

 Ren fell back onto the floor. 

Ren has been fucking triggered run for your life.

The blue-haired female seized Rin by his ankle,eyes glinting,and Rin's smirk vanished when Ren dug her nails painfully into Rin's ankle. Hard. The male swimmer let out a yelp and leaped backwards,landing on the ground with a sickening thud. "You violent delinquent!" Rin bellowed,as Ren held back her laughter. "Score one," Ren whistled,and Rin sent a glare her way. "Ugh," After a while,Rin dusted himself off and got to his feet. Ren did the same. "Are you going to swim like that for prefectuals?" Rin gave Ren a quizzical look,motioning towards Ren's twisted ankle. 

"I'll be fine."

"I don't think you can even walk,can you?" Rin looked doubtfully at Ren's ankle once more.

"Are you underestimating me?" Ren's voice rose. Rin arched an eyebrow,amused,and held up both hands in surrender. Rin crouched down in front of Ren,then,after spotting Ren's puzzled face,explained,"I'll bring you to Samezuka to get your leg fixed. It's not very far."

"Wait. I'm near Samezuka?"

"You didn't know that?"

"I might have accidentally taken a one hour and thirty minute run from my house to here,haha." Ren laughed weakly. 

"You are unbelievable,nobody runs all the way from Iwatobi to Samezuka,you airhead,"Rin criticized. "Would you hurry up and climb before I take back my offer?" 

"...I'll call the cops if you try anything funny. Or even better,I could personally slaughter you myself,on the spot," Ren warned. "Yes,sure," Rin said dully.

Ren put her hands around Rin's neck as he lifted her into a piggy-back. "Are you trying to strangle me?" Rin grumbled and tossed his head,which only made Ren tighten her grip further,narrowing her eyes at the maroon-haired swimmer. "I dare you." Ren threatened,and Rin fell silent. They walked for a few minutes,and all of a sudden,Ren asked,"How tall are you?"  


"Damn,I could be taller than you by 8 more centimetres." 

"You're 170?" 

"Easy math."

"Not bad,considering my sister's only about 160," Rin mused. "We're here," 

"Put me down,then." Ren instructed. Rin gave his signature smirk,his pointed teeth visible. "Shy,are you? We've to climb four flights of stairs,just so you know. You sure?"  

"Nobody's being shy. I'm completely sure,now do as I say or take your Olympic swimmer dream to your graveyard early." Ren said firmly,and Rin lowered her down,chuckling.

"How do you know I'm aiming for the Olympics?" Rin questioned,hands in his pockets,sidling casually beside Ren who was trying her best to walk normally,but wincing in pain.

"It's kind of easy to guess. A lot of athletes who are really serious about their sport all dream to be an Olympian,and you look like the kind that'll bring your passion everywhere you go. Aside from that,you're captain,which means you're not a bad swimmer yourself. And on top of that,Samezuka is a swimming powerhouse,it has trained one too many Olympians and top swimmers already,"Ren analyzed,and added,"And I may have heard the keywords 'rin-chan' and 'nationals' somewhere in a conversation with the others."

  Rin gaped at Ren. "I assume you're good at school?" Rin asked,and couldn't help but be slightly impressed. Ren shrugged,and said,"If I want to be good at school,I can,but that doesn't necessarily mean I will." 

Rin leaned back.

"Then what happened to your math?"

"Don't remind me,don't ever."

He let out a bark-like laugh,then turned sharply down a corridor,and knocked on the fourth door from the right. A tall,well-built swimmer with teal eyes opened the door. He looked from Rin to Ren. "What're you doing here?" Sousuke inquired.

Ren looked thoroughly bored. "Is that a Samezuka swimmer catchphrase or inside joke or something,because you two said the same thing to me,word for word." 

"Huh." Sousuke stepped aside to let the duo pass through,and Rin began explaining to Sousuke as he searched a cabinet for something. "Oi." Rin called to Ren,who made herself comfortable on the desk,dangling her legs. Rin tossed a roll of bandages and a bottle of medicinal oil to Ren,who caught both neatly.  "I don't think there's a need,Ren heals like a monster,it's not even possible." Sousuke said after hearing out Rin's explanation.  "Well that was thoughtful," Ren answered sarcastically. 

"Can't leave her to die,can I?" Rin reasoned,and plopped himself on his bunk bed. 

"It's not possible for Ren to die,"Sousuke said,and climbed up to his bed,plugging his earpieces into his ears.

"Finally something that Sousuke says is true." Ren joked even though her face remained expressionless as she screwed the bottle up,and proceeded to pick up the roll of bandages.

"Seconded." Rin said,lazily raising a hand,then letting it drop as he pulled a book with a yellow cover out from under his pillow and started reading.

"Punk girl is basically like a cockroach,however much you stomp on it,it won't die," Rin continued. 

Ren's face darkened,and she aimed the roll of bandages at Rin's head,who swiped it away with his book breezily. "Very pleasant comparison. I'm leaving."

"Glad to know that."


"Screw off,shark mouth."

"Hey,are you two having World War III down there?"


(a/n) yes,very abrupt end,no,I don't care,I'm lazy,and I have homework to complete,sayounara.

my life is boring lol

Sky,over and out!

Tsundere Swimmer ( Iwatobi Swim Club x Kuudere)Where stories live. Discover now