Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

   The joint practice was over.

Ren was stealing some last glances of Samezuka Academy before the swim club left.

She turned into a dark corner.

Vending machines.

Ren fished some change out of her bag,and inserted the coins into the machine. Clang.
A can dropped out.

Rin was thirsty.

He turned into a dark corner.

Vending machines.

The girl he underestimated from before was reaching to take the drink she had bought. She caught sight of Rin.

"About time,shark mouth." Ren said breezily in a sing-song voice,smiling and holding the can up to the light. A cola.
"Stand there,and throw it to me." Rin instructed.
A pause.
"You sure?" Ren's mouth was caved in a little,as though fighting back a laugh.
"Why n--"
Thud. Clang.

Before Rin had finished his sentence,Ren had hurled the can towards Rin in an underhand throw. Rin was startled.
And the can had hit him squarely on the forehead,before landing on the ground,its metal making a hell load of a noise.
Ren guffawed.
"Damn you! Seriously how childish can you get?!" Rin spat. He bent down to retrieve the can.
"Well,who was the person who called me a giraffe?" Ren asked,innocently.
Rin glared at her.
"Come here." Ren sat on the bench pushed up against the wall,and patted the space beside her. She then started to rummage in her bag for something.

  A handkerchief. A bottle of water.

"Come here,idiot of a sea animal!"

Rin wasn't entirely sure this wasn't another of Ren's booby traps,but he lowered himself on the bench.
He watched silently as the girl splashed ice cold water into her handkerchief. Ren folded up her handkerchief.
She slapped it onto Rin's forehead.

He could feel his nerves tingling from the cold.

"What is this supposed to be?" Rin growled angrily.

"Well,if you get more disfigured than you already are right now,you're probably gonna make me pay for your plastic surgery,am I right?" Ren explained sarcastically.

Rin opened his mouth to argue back.

"Just keep holding it there." advised Ren.

She got to her feet gracefully and left.

Rin stared blankly at the vending machine in front of him.

Maybe that girl isn't completely heartless,Rin thought as he,too, walked out.

---timeskip to next day,breaktime---

Ren's POV

I was kidnapped to the rooftop by Tall Guy,who acted on the orders of Kou.
Just great.
I think I know what's coming.

"Haru-chan! Mako-chan! Ren-chan!"

I settled on the floor beside Kou.
"So.." Began Kou,who was biting on her bottom lip and tugging at her hair ribbon.
Yes,I know what's coming.
"You want me to join the swim club. No thank you." I finished for her.
The swim club stared at me.
"What?" I asked,creasing my forehead.


"But with practice you can be a really good swimmer just like Haruka-senpai!"
"You shouldn't let your talent go to waste,that is my opinion,Ren-senpai."
"The water likes you."
"It's your choice,but it'll be good if you could join."

"I..I.. " I stuttered,overwhelmed. My posture slipped.

"Okay,then!" Kou exclaimed out of the blue,whipping out a piece of paper and scrawling my name down.

Makoto Tachibana
Haruka Nanase
Nagisa Hazuki
Kou Matsuoka
Rei Ryugazuki
Ren Miyano

"Kou.. You wrote the kanji of my name wrongly. And besides I never said I wanted to join!" I protested.

"Eh? It wasn't Ren Miyano?" Kou asked,her eyes wide.

Those two are definitely siblings.

"Miyamoto." I corrected,sighing heavily.
"What about you um,just join temporarily as a trial member? Then if you don't like it you can quit." Makoto suggested,cowering slightly as I swept a look at him.

".. I... fine. " There wasn't any use talking back,anyway. Besides,its only temporary.
Their faces lighted up considerably.

I was uncomfortable about this all.

I don't want them to know.

(A/N) this chapter was lousy and lame I want to update quickly but today I'm just off I guess

Everything in this chapter was so rushed and hurried,there wasn't anything worth reading in this one.
I'm sorry Neko_Savior.

Tsundere Swimmer ( Iwatobi Swim Club x Kuudere)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora