Chapter 10

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Basic idea of last chapter:   Ren got into a sort-of touchy and awkward conversation with Nagisa after he abused the group chat between the two relay teams and Kou.

Okay so I noticed something last time the swim club had a practice it was in Sasabe's SC which meant that it was spring so let's just say that it's still in spring but considerably warmer,going to summer


Third Person POV

  Ren fingered the sleeve of her swimsuit. She stared into space for a second.

She shook her head slightly,as if shaking away her thoughts. 

She strode out of the changing room,sunlight blinding her eyes. "Ren-senpai!" Kou greeted her,hugging her usual stack of papers to her chest,like how a student holds her books,"welcome to the Swim Club. Now,why don't you start off by doing a lap? I'll time you,and from there we can see how you'll improve."

"Do I have to do the underwater phase?" Ren questioned,one arm hanging down her side,the other still tugging on her left sleeve. Kou gave a nod.

"In the pool now,Ren-senpai,if you please." Kou instructed. Ren started a few steps. A blue-ish blur emerged from the male changing room. 

Splash. Both girls held up an arm to their faces,attempting to avoid the sprays of water.

"Looks like someone beat me to it," Ren remarked,and Kou giggled. Behind her,Makoto smiled and Rei removed his glasses,watching Haru. Nagisa dove in enthusiastically.

"Nagisa-kun,don't just dive in!" Kou's smile vanished as she lectured Nagisa,who disappeared under the water and rose,seconds later,swimming his breaststroke.

"Heh. I remember Coach Sasabe used to say that to Nagisa,when we were back in middle school." Makoto chuckled,and jumped into the water,leaned forward,gripping the metal bars attached to each starting block. He released them,swiftly swimming his powerful backstroke.

Ren sized up this scene. She got to her knees,and began stretching her leg muscles,warming up. She did the same for her arms. 

Not long after.

Ren gingerly bent down as she stood on the starting block,her fingers lightly grazing the slippery tile,her purple-tinted goggles over her eyes,navy swimming cap fitted around her head,a crescent of hair visible from the back. She strained her ears.

It should come soon,she thought to herself.




The whistle was blown,and she plunged into the water. Behind her,she could hear the familiar pattern of splashes from Rei's butterfly stroke.  Ren lifted her upper body,raising an arm over her head,swimming her freestyle. When the underwater phase was over,she had a new boost of speed,just like during the race at Samezuka. Her legs sprung to action. Her strong arms from softball training,her naturally long legs,used to running short distance races,her acceptable weight...they all contributed to her swimming skills.

Ren's feet found the cold tile of the pool wall,she'd reached the turn. Ren kicked off,and accelerated further. Her palm touched the opposite wall from the turn. She looked up at Kou purposefully,breathing heavily. Kou's fingers fumbled with the stopwatch,and she dangled it in front of Ren,a smile playing on her lips. 

26.3 seconds.

 50 meters. 

Ren frowned,her expression hardening,if it could harden any more further. 

Tsundere Swimmer ( Iwatobi Swim Club x Kuudere)Where stories live. Discover now