43 1 5

      Or writer's concrete by now

Seriously my inspiration has all dried up like a raisin and it's just a wrinkled piece of who knows what now. Like a raisin.

I don't know how to progress with the story but I'm pretty sure I'm going to write something about an outing with the two relay teams or something

The thing is I don't know where to make them go

Amusement park? No,because I never went to one and it'll sound fake.

Beach? Cliche,it's used practically every where.

Where else


Help me think of something and don't say it's my choice,@Neko_Savior because I don't even know what's my choice so, I'm asking for yours,seeing as you're the only person that reads this

Thanks,bai,and remember to leave some questions for them characters.

Tsundere Swimmer ( Iwatobi Swim Club x Kuudere)Where stories live. Discover now