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"Attention everyone. We are reaching LA in 10 minutes. I repeat, we are reaching LA in 10 minutes. Do settle down."

"What are we going to do when we get back? Just sit around our lazy asses?" Will asked as he settled down in his seat with his bag on the floor between his legs.

"College dumbhead. Are you saying you're smart enough to not continue school?" Sean replied, rolling his eyes.

"I can't wait! College is going to be fun! Especially with you guys around." Boogie said as she took a bite from the last slice of pizza.

"Yeah, me too. It's been so long and I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss school." Valentina voiced out, while walking into the living space. As she was about to take a seat, the tube abruptly took a stop. Everyone was struggling to find their balance but some of us fell to the floor.

"What the fuck?" Boogie shouted while getting up on her feet. Everyone got up while rubbing on the spots they fell. The doors of the tube automatically opened, but they haven't even reached LA yet. It's a matter of minutes there. The route that the tube takes was always through the woods. So there they are, in the middle of the woods not far from the city.

Everyone went and got out of the tube while Kenneth went to check on the captain in the control room.

As I hopped off the tube, the scenery was breathtaking. But it reminds me of when I was in the arena. Reminds me of when and how Bailey killed me. Before I could be reminded of that moment, I quickly snapped out of myself and turned to face the tube. "Check the surroundings. I'm gonna go check on Kenneth." I said while climbing back into the tube and head to the control room.

From a distance, I saw Kenneth standing and staring at something. He then turned to face me after sensing my presence. He just shooked his head. I ran to the control room and was shocked to see the captain dead.

He had a hole at the side of his head. If he was shot, we would've heard the gunshot, I thought to myself.

"This wasn't a gunshot. This was something else. The hole is too small for a bullet." Kenneth assured. I was about to speak when there was a rush of strong wind blowing. We could even feel it from in the tube as our clothes blew from the wind.

"What the heck?" Kenneth said, taking steps towards the nearest door.

As I was about to make my way to Kenneth, my phone rang. Josh Beauchamp. I answered the call, "Josh. What's up?"

There was a pause, "Y/N, she's started."

I was confused by what he meant by 'She's started' and was about to ask further when we heard a scream.

"Vivien!" Jordyn shouted.

Me and Kenneth exchanged looks before we rushed out to the others, automatically shouting 'talk to you later' to Josh on the other line and hanging up. As we got off the tube, I looked around to find Vivien but there was no sight of her. Everyone was gone off into the woods, trying to find Vivien. I saw Tati and headed straight to her asking what had happened.

"I knew something was coming, I just wasn't sure what it was. Vivien.. She just vanished into thin air along with the winds. I couldn't see what was happening when the strong wind came, there was a thick mist. But I heard the sound of an animal, a wolf's growl. That's why the others went to search for Vivien and the wolf." Tati explained, frowning her eyebrows. I took a look around to try and figure something out.

"It can't be Bailey, can it?" I turned to face them, full of sorrow in my voice. Kenneth was frustrated that he punched the body of the tube and made a dent in it. His jaw was clenched that his veins were showing. As i was about to go over to Kenneth to soothe him, we heard a sound. The sound of a wolf pack.

The three of us exchanged looks and waited for something. The others then came back from the woods with nothing as Jordyn shooked her head. We awaited for the arrival of the pack. Boogie, Will and Sean were already growling in position.

Not long after, I could see a pack from a distance. I took a few steps forward to get a better view. I squinted my eyes to change it to my wolf vision to see Josh Beauchamp and his pack.

"Its okay guys! It's Josh!" Kenneth shouted. Me and Kenneth took steps forward towards Josh as he arrives.

"What's wrong till you needed to come all the way here?" Kenneth asked with his arms folded.

"We're here to help. I just got some information on Bailey." Josh assured and continued talking. "She's been doing this experiments, creating mythical creatures to wipe off the human race. Since she's from your city, she's focusing on LA. I brought Soni and Kaycee along while Marielle, Tahani, Josh Price and Sheaden are taking care of stuffs back in Canada."

I thought to myself for a second, why would he bring two more of his members to come here, volunteering to help us and give us the information while he could've just done it through the phone.

"Okay, but I don't seem to get the point why you're here? I mean, you could be back in Canada taking care of your country, while we take care of things in LA." Kenneth said, getting straight to the point.

"Because Bailey's been contacting me, begging me to end you guys. Your pack is her main target. You guys are in danger and I'm here to help. I could get along with her plans, giving you any information about her." He paused. "Like i said, i don't want anything to do with Bailey anymore."

Me and Kenneth exchanged looks and nodded to it. Kenneth turned to face his pack and told them what has been happening. The look on their faces surely didn't show any delight. In fact, all they had was hatred towards Bailey.

"I know this is hard to take it all in but that's that. We're going to college like normal people and see what we could do from there. Tati, call your mother saying that there is a body coming in and I need her to check on the captain's death. Val, Boogie and y/n, I need you to go to the college and register us including Soni, Kaycee and Josh. You three give them your information in a bit. Jordyn, Soni and Kaycee, you guys go look for a place to stay. Set up the place. Nice and cosy. Like a wolf's den. Don't forget some cars for us. Sean and Will, I want you to go take a look around the city for anything and do some research about this mythical creature. Josh, you come with me to try and track down Vivien. We'll meet each other at the parking lot of the college and head home for dinner together. Oh and y/n, please arrange dinner for us. I'll meet you guys later." We all nodded and and took our things from the tube and started heading towards the city.


Messed Up S6 (Kenneth San Jose Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin