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Everyone woke up early today in preparation for the elimination of Wallock once and for all. I hope this works. I thought to myself. We decided to go to college to check if Mr. Wallock is in.

We planned to split up. Kenneth and Tati will go to the office to check if Wallock is in, me and Josh will wait at our first class which is with Mr. Wallock, in case he was early to class, Sean and Will would wait by the men's, Kaycee and Boogie will wait by the hallways on the lookout and Soni will be waiting by the front.

Me and Josh decided to take our seats and wait. Not long after, a new teacher came in, which I was guessing is the new teacher. Me and Josh can't help but to notice most of the seats empty in this class. "Excuse me, where are the other students?" I broke the silence.

"This is all of it." She replied with her back facing us as she was writing something on the whiteboard. I turned my head to Josh and we immediately got off our seats and out of the class. "Hey! Where are you going?" The new teacher shouted from inside.

As we walked out of the class, we bumped into Kenneth and Tati. "He's not in today. He was never in since the day we found out." Kenneth said, as he growled, sending the others a signal that we're off to the cabin.

We went outside to see the others waiting for us and we ran to the cabin as soon as Kenneth nodded to us. As we were a mile from the cabin, we could sense that Wallock is there. Perfect. We took one look at each other and nodded, then began to make our way into our positions around the cabin.

Not long after, the leaves began rustling. It's time. We moved closer towards each other as our hands connected to one another while Soni made us invisible. The wind started to get so strong as we waited for Wallock to come out. It was then finally he came out and loitered around his cabin, like he was searching for something. We moved together with Soni to a more bigger area to fish him into the mountain ash circle.

Just as we found the perfect spot, we broke our hands apart to find Wallock turning around to face us. Wallock then circled us a few times to find a target. He finally took a stop in front of me. The rest of them went around Wallock and started growling. Will immediately poured the mountain ash circling Wallock while the others were busy distracting him. Tati slowly approached the crocottas as close as she could get and stared into the middle crocotta's eyes.

As soon as she got the power and the attention of the crocotta, she started screaming without any warning. The piercing sound of a banshee's scream is hurting our eardrums as we closed our ears and fell on our knees. Without us knowing, Tati stopped screaming and the three crocottas went out of the mountain ash circle and ran away whimpering. Tati took a step back and turned to face Kenneth, giving him a heads up that she was done. Wallock looked at the spot the crocottas were a minute ago and looked up at us. He let out a voice - mumble - which we can't understand.

Without wasting any time, Kenneth got up from his knees and took a step right in front of the living corpse. Kenneth looked up from his feet to Wallock, growling with his red eyes glowing.

Without any hesitation, Kenneth kneeled down and began trying to make his hand go through the mountain ash which is hard but he managed to fight it once. It takes a lot of concentration and power. The burning and light sensation that was on Kenneth's hand was obvious.

"Arghhhhhh!" Kenneth let out a loud growl when he finally managed to get his hand in and straight away dug his nails into the ground and let out another loud growl. The sky began to turn dark and there was dark grey clouds hovering above us. The sound of thunder and lightning followed as the ground began to crack and split open from Kenneth's hand, slowly making its way to the living corpse.

Just as the ground split open beneath Wallock, the living corpse then fell into the ground and the ground closed back immediately. The sky began to clear, exposing the bright clear blue sky. They're finally gone. We turned to look at each other, smiles forming on our faces when I saw Kenneth lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Kenny!" I rushed over to him, trying to wake him up but he's unconscious. His lips were pale when I started ordering the others.

"Sean and Tati, get me the nine herbs. Fast." The nine herbs are required if you have an injury which includes supernatural toxin but it could be used anytime since it has natural remedies in it as well. "Will, help me carry him." I started to put Kenneth's right arm over my shoulders while Will handed over his bag to Boogie for her to carry it. Will then rushed over to take Kenneth's left arm over his shoulder and soon we started making our way back home. "Soni, Kaycee and Boogie you can rush home and prepare." I said, grunting.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to help?" Josh asked as he heard me grunting.

"No, I'm fine." I could easily carry him myself but that would be weird if I walked into the city carrying a boy on my own. Josh accompanied us back home, while trying to take away some of the pain from Kenneth once in awhile.

As we reached home, Will and I immediately plopped Kenneth onto the bed that the other girls had prepared so we won't have to climb the stairs to put him in bed. I looked up to see Tati and Sean were already mixing the nine herbs and made sure it was fine to fit in into a syringe.

Seconds later, Tati came back with a syringe filled with green formula. Without further a due, I immediately inserted the syringe on Kenneth's arm. Sean then inserted his finger which consists a little of the thick green paste into Kenneth's mouth and onto his tongue. After that, I pulled the blanket over his body and we let him rest. I sat in the seat by his bed and waited for him. I stared at his face and admire how he looks peaceful although he was in pain. I took his hand and rubbed circles onto his palm and whispered. "I'm proud of you. Thank you." I let out a faint smile.

• • • • •

"Hey." I was awoken by a faint voice. I looked up to see Kenneth awake. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

"Never been better. Thank you." He said, a faint smile forming on his face.

"No, thank you. You did great." I smiled. "Anyways, what time is it already?" I turned to check the time on my watch. 8pm.

"Do you want anything for dinner? I can get you some food." I asked, full of concern.

"Yeah, I could use a Korean takeout." I chuckled. "Alright. I'll be right back."

I went over to the rest of them that was watching a movie. "Hey guys, Kenneth's awake. He said he'd want some Korean takeout for dinner. How about you guys?" I interrupted.

"Yeah, Korean's okay." Will assured, followed by the others, nodding their heads.

"I can go buy them." Sean voiced out as he was getting out of his seat, followed by Josh. "Yeah, I'll go with him." I flash a smile towards them, "thank you."

I went back to Kenneth to see him seating up and was fiddling with his fingers. "Hey, Sean and Josh went to buy dinner. Do you want anything else?"

He looked up from his fingers and flash a smile. "Nope." He said, popping the 'p'. "I just want to cuddle with you."

I chuckled. "Alrighty then." I went over and took a seat beside him and put my arms over his torso as he put his arms around my shoulder. I leaned over on his chest and surprisingly he still had his wonderful scent of him although it's been a day. He leaned over on my head and we just had a comfortable silence enjoying each other's presence.


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