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"First day of college. And I know I'm gonna hate the rest of this semester." Will said, as he was putting across his sling bag.

"Oh come on. Cut yourself some slack will you?" Kaycee said, along with us laughing.

"Ooh! A coffee vending machine. This literally just saved my life." I rolled my eyes and head towards the vending machine.


I didn't slept well last night. I laid in bed for an hour and a half, tossing and turning with my eyes tightly shut, hoping I could fall asleep. But the body, the pituitary gland, the crocotta guy - sigh. Everything seems to be lingering in my mind, begging me to stop this thing. I've always gotten straight As in my exams and I am known as the smart one among the others and I know - although they don't say it - that they're counting on me to figure this out. I basically live in a life full of puzzles.

After an hour and a half tossing, turning and also counting sheeps, I decided to go downstairs to the media room to do some research. Our house - as it has 11 people living in it - more like a mansion, is as big as you can ever imagine. I don't know how Kenneth could pull off a stunt like this.

The media room, consists of the MacBooks - individual ones - each with a different design based on your trademark, the stereo, a 72 inch flat screen tv, the semi circle couch and some pillows on the floor. They have the PS4, wii and karaoke set so the room is soundproof.

As I got into the room, I turned on the lights and set it on dim - not too bright so it won't hurt my eyes - and sat in front of my MacBook. I opened the browser and typed in 'crocotta' to see a lot of links but the first one was Wikipedia and I decided to click on it. Based on Wikipedia, it says that the crocotta (or coroccota, crocuta or leucrocotta), is a mythical dog-wolf of India or Ethiopia, linked to the hyena and said to be a deadly enemy of men and dogs. I read further about the ancient of the crocotta and the man on the cart wasn't in any of it.

'Weird huh. I'm guessing they're not related,' I thought to myself. Just then, I heard sounds of footsteps and thudding. I quickly turned around. Sure I did sense a heartbeat around the corner. As I was waiting attentively, suddenly Kenny popped out of the corner and scared both of us.

"Oh my god Kenny you scared me!" My hand was on my chest, with my heart beating fast.

"I'm sorry! You weren't in bed and I didn't think that you'll be here. What are you doing at 3am anyways?" He said, approaching me. I sighed and turned back to my screen.

"I can't sleep so I got up and tried to do some researching about the chimera aka crocotta and the man on the cart. But it seems like the man on the cart is not related to the crocottas. It doesn't say anything about the man on the cart." We turned to look each other with frowns on our face.

"Here. I'll help check the library. You continue searching." Kenny offered, starting to make his way to the row of shelves.

"Won't it bother your sleep? I-i can handle things on my own." I said, approaching him with a concern look.

"Its fine. I'm helping." I smiled, returning to my seat and went back to work.

Just as I was typing something away, Ken approached me from behind and pushed my hair, exposing my neck and started kissing me. "We haven't had time to ourselves. I miss you." Ken said, hugging me from behind. His warm breath brushing on my neck gave me the chills.

"I missed you too." I turned around and kissed him.

"Guess we could do this research another time eh?" Ken smirked, pulling me out of the room and switched off the lights. I chuckled and followed him to bed. We spent the rest of our night cuddled and binge watching Netflix till he fell asleep. Watching him sleep is the best thing ever, he's so cute and looks peaceful.

*end of flashback*


"First class huh. See you guys later." Will sighed, rolling his eyes and started heading towards his class with Val and Ken.

I came back with a coffee in my hand, "Hm. Shall we? See you guys later." I looked over at Josh and started making our way to our first period.

We stopped by to our lockers and just took necessary things and headed to class. We took a seat next to each other and a minute later, the teacher came in. He goes by the name Mr. Wallock and he was very different. We paid attention as he was teaching us about parts of the brain.

Not long after, he started coughing non-stop. I looked at Josh, weirded out with question marks around my head. Mr. Wallock suddenly coughed out blood and something small with the size of a pea. He then ran out the class. I stood up from my seat, with the noise of other students chattering about what had happened and I approached the teacher's desk.

Josh was behind me, just as curious as I was. As I reached the front of the desk, I exchanged looks from the pea to the whiteboard. Mr. Wallock was just explaining about the pituitary gland. And I was so sure that he just coughed out a pituitary gland. I turned to look at Josh and he ran out of the class just as he understood what I was thinking and headed to the men's to look for Mr. Wallock.

I ran out the class and looked at Josh heading for the men's and quickly took out my phone and texted the others. "S.O.S. I think I know who the man on the cart is."


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