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It was almost dinner and most of us are already at the parking lot waiting for Kenneth and Josh. It was a matter of time before they showed up. I walked up to them to get further information.

"So, anything?" Kenneth just shooked his head.

"There was absolutely nothing. There was no tracks, no sense, nothing. Vanished, just like that." Josh interrupted. I just took the news with heartfelt and went back to the others.

"So everyone's here, we'll discuss everything at dinner. After dinner, we'll head over to the hospital to check on the body." Kenneth ordered. Everyone nodded and started getting into the cars that Jordyn had bought us. It was me, Kenneth, Josh and Tati in one car. Will Sean, Boogie and Val in another car and Jordyn, Soni, Kaycee in another.

As we arrived the house, more like a mansion - no idea where Kenneth got all the money from - we settled down and cleaned ourselves up before dinner. Over at dinner, the food that I set up and ordered were served as I expected. Everything was perfectly placed and the food was great. Few minutes after dining in, we started discussing about what we discovered.

"I got the registration for college done. Me, Will, Val, Kenneth, Josh are majoring in cyber forensic while Boogie, Jordyn, Soni, Sean, Tati and Kaycee are majoring in psychology. We have some of our classes together." I began talking.

"Alright, college's settled. Sean? Will?" Kenneth asked, adding more stir fried potatoes with eggs to his plate.

"Well.." Will trailing off.

"Well, we contacted some of the other chimeras and got hold of the vet that is also very fond of the mythical history. He's had some experience patching up wolves and other creatures so we might be able to get his help." Sean interrupted.

Everyone was slowly eating their food while listening attentively. Kenneth nodded.

"Also, we did some researching and found that there's this creature. It's called the Crocotta. It's a mythical dog-wolf, related to the hyena. Found in India, Ethiopia. Not only that, there's this mythical guy on a cart that was being tied and pulled by three crocottas. They move with the wind. This guy, he'll signal the crocottas to howl at the person they want gone. Gone just like that. That's what happened to Vivien." Will said, as he lowered down his gaze.

"Is there any way to find her?" Val asked.

"We haven't find any information on that. Yet." Sean replied. Kenneth sighed.

"Well, my mom's expecting you guys already. Shall we?" Tati interrupted the silence.

"Yeah, let's go." Kenneth assured.

The hospital was around 10 minutes away. As we reached the hospital, it was like a deserted place as it was quiet and peaceful. Tati's mom really did a good job on the timing. As we entered the building, Tati's mom was waiting for us at the front desk. Me, Kenneth and Tati approached her.

"So, anything?" Tati asked.

"Come." Her mom said, nodding her head and assured us to follow her while the others stayed and kept an eye on the lobby to make sure no one or nothing gets past them. We followed Michelle where she led us to the morgue. As we entered the morgue, the smell wasn't very pleasant but still bearable. There was a body on a tray, covered. I was guessing it was the captain's body. Michelle went over the body and lifted open the cloth to its chest.

"As you may noticed, the hole was too small for a bullet. And yes, it wasn't a gunshot. I cracked open to see if any parts of the brain is missing, and the pituitary gland is gone." Michelle said, pointing at the missing gland. We exchanged looks when I spoke up.

"Who would want a pituitary gland? Which is the size of a pea."

"The pituitary gland, also known as the master gland, is the most important part of the endocrine system because it produces hormones that control many functions of other endocrine glands. I mean, who needs more hormone?" Michelle asked, confused. We just looked at each other and shrugged. I just stared into the air when something hit me.

"Wait a minute. If the pituitary gland produces hormones, which means that includes growth hormone. And that means..." I looked up to Kenneth. "That means its eating the gland to produce more growth hormone. Which means, its getting bigger and bigger."

As soon as we went back to the others, we told them about the information we got from the body. As I was about to finish my sentence, there was a strong rush of wind. Like the one we felt in the tube. And we were in a building.

"Guys, hold each other's hands. We don't know if it'll work but it's worth the try." Soni said, as she held out her hands. She camouflages and go invisible. We were waiting for the crocotta and the creature on the cart to come barging into the building when Jordyn let go of Boogie's hand and rush out of the building. "Jordyn!" I shouted, letting go of Kenneth's hand and rushed to Jordyn. "Y/N!"

I heard Kenneth running towards me and Jordyn. Me and Kenny tried to pulled Jordyn back to Soni when she shouted, "Where the heck are you?! Come out if you dare! Take me!" Me and Kenny tried to shake her off of doing this stupid move but she won't budge.

"Jordyn, what do you think you're doing?! Come on!" I shouted back at her from the noise of the strong wind.

Suddenly, the creature and his three crocotta's appeared just before us. We stood on the ground, not knowing what to do. The creature then pulled out a whip and whipped the left and right crocotta, which made the crocotta to howl. And it was right in front of us.

"Oh no." I said, while me and Kenny and growled hoping that it would scare the creature off. Instead the middle crocotta took a step forward and we knew it was too late for anything so we just closed our eyes, hoping for a miracle.

Suddenly, we felt like there was bodies closing on us, like there were people hugging us but we didn't dare to look. As the middle crocotta made the howl, we had our eyes closed the entire time with our hands tied together. A moment later, the atmosphere cooled down and everything was back to normal. We opened our eyes to see the others were hugging us and that we're safe. Soni made them come to us and protect us, together.

"Thank you, Soni." I said, hugging her along with Jordyn and Kenny.

"Not a big deal. That's what packs are for, right?" She said, with a sincere smile forming across her face. We nodded, returning her smile.

"Come on, let's go home." Sean said.

"Yeah, we've been through enough for today. And I'm sleepy." Will said, yawning.

Josh scoffed. "That was not even something. We haven't face anything big yet and you're already tired, sleepy and all that nonsense?" All of us laughed.

"Maybe I haven't get used to this saving-the-world-from-our-old-best-friend-who-is-now-an-enemy-god-knows-what-she's-up-to situation." Will rolled his eyes with his two fingers up indicating the open and closed inverted commas. Kenneth shrugged and started to make a move towards our cars, heading back home.

"Yeah, I'll be right back, gonna talk a few to Michelle with Tati." I told them. Me and Tati approached her mom that was just cleaning up her desk and was about to leave too.

"Hey, thank you Michelle for today and the body." I said.

"No problem. It's great to have you guys back here, in LA. Although things are getting tough here with Bailey running things and god knows what she's up to." Michelle said, rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Yeah, mom, we're gonna go first. You sure you okay?" Tati asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm done anyways. The next shift will be just in a minute. Let's go." Michelle replied with a smile.

As soon as we were out the door, we turned to each other to say goodbye.

"Okay, mom, take care. If there's anything, you know where and how to find me. Send my regards to dad." Tati said as she hugged Michelle. I smiled and hugged Michelle.

"You guys take care of yourself okay? Love you." We waited for awhile for her mother to take off. Then we headed home to crash.


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