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Typical morning for everyone as we were on our way to school. As I arrived, I headed straight for the coffee vending machine to get a cup of mocha. Everyone had a rough morning getting out of bed as we were tired yesterday so everyone went straight to class.

The atmosphere around us was damn quiet. Soon it was the end of another day at college and half of the day went pretty well.

"We should get going. See you guys later." Tati said as she got into the car with Sean, Kaycee and Valentina. As for us, we went home straight to finish up our work so it wouldn't get in the way if there were to be any emergency.

                        3 hours later

"Guys! Valentina's gone!" Tati shouted as she slammed the door opened, panting.

"What?!" The word echoed through the halls of our house as we took in the shocking news.

"We need to go find information right now. We'll talk about this after. Come on!" Kenneth ordered.

"Which route Tati?" I asked as I took my phone from the table. "The cabin."

Minutes later, we arrived at the cabin and luckily Wallock wasn't there. Tati took a moment to make the lady and the portal appear and soon enough we were going through it one by one.

The minute we arrived at The Capitol, we headed straight to the chamber underground yesterday and started searching the shelf. Turns out that there were more shelves that I didn't realise were there until a beam of light was shining on them.

"These are just files about these creatures. I need to know their shifts. We need to go up there and shut down the system. Will, did you bring your laptop?" I asked as I was putting back one of the files.

"I came here empty handed for Christ's sake." Will said, throwing his hands in the air. "Don't worry. I still have my phone. I'll try getting into their system and get whatever information we need."

"Great. Thanks Will." I assured, making him nod lightly as he was already sitting by the wall, concentrated on his phone.

Wasn't long till Kaycee and Will broke the silence. "Found it!" Everyone looked up from whatever they were doing.

"Kaycee, just take the whole file with you. We're borrowing them. Will, can you save those information in your phone?" Kenneth asked.

"Of course." Will assured as he began tapping buttons on his phone. "Done."

"Great. Let's go." I said. Everyone started putting back the files and soon enough we were out of that place and back at home. It was kind of time wasting when we could go there through a portal and we need to take the train back home. What a waste of money.

As soon as we settled down in our living room, Kaycee started flipping the file and reading out the information we need to know. "Crocottas are normal wild animals in the woods until they were changed by a banshee. The banshee would screa-"

"Just skip to the part where we change them back, please." Kenneth asked.

"Uh- okay, to change them back, the banshee has to scream to snap them out of the supernatural world. The crocottas are always lead by a man - a living corpse - with ripped clothes. To send this man back, you need an alpha." Kaycee paused, looking at Kenneth before continuing. "The alpha has to face the corpse which you will surround it with mountain ash and dig your nails into the ground - your nails have to be in the circle that means to pass through your hand into the mountain ash - to crack them open and send them down."

"No shit." Kenneth muttered.

"The living corpse kills and eats one's pituitary gland to grow and vanish people from the reality. And there's no way to get them back. Once they're gone, they're gone forever."

"No! There must be some way! What the hell?!" Boogie interrupted, standing up from her seat.

"Boogie, please, sit. There's nothing we can do. This is our only source and what's that is that. We have to accept it." Sean assured.

Kenneth turned his gaze away from Boogie to Will. "Will, what have you got?"

"Okay. I'm sending you guys the map of the building and its secret pathways for us to sneak in. But there are lock gates and I could unlock them anytime from my laptop. So I would be sitting in the car doing my job while you guys handle the rest. The shifts are packed which makes us lucky we didn't get caught while we were in there. Everyone wore white in there so we need to get white lab aprons to blend in. The control room is at the second floor and furthest. You'll need to pass through a lot unless you're willing to take the long route. The next free shift is tomorrow but we've only got 10 minutes which isn't enough."

"Okay, so when's the suitable time?" I asked.

"The next suitable time is next week. Bad news, I know. But good news is, it's on a Friday and apparently they don't have much people working on Fridays. So it's a bonus. But we'll have to skip school. Which I don't know about you guys but it's a bonus for me too." Will chuckled. I just shook my head and laughed.

"So when are we going to stop the crocottas? We have to stop them as soon as possible so no more lives are risked." Josh continued.

Kenneth looked up from his hands. "Tomorrow."

That night, everyone was making themselves busy preparing for tomorrow. They got the mountain ash and started planning out their strategy. We just hope that Wallock will appear tomorrow.


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