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          three more days to The Capitol.

"Have you guys noticed something odd in school today?" Kaycee asked as we gathered outside of school.

"My class had like 8 people absent. If that counts as weird." Will scoffed.

"Yeah. I thought I was the only one who had the illogical number of people absent." Soni rolled her eyes.

"Wait a minute." I said. "Don't you guys notice? Josh?" I looked at them, waiting for a response but they just shooked their head. I looked at Josh just because he was with me in all the classes. His forehead creased trying to think what I was about to say. "I just noticed the people that were absent in my classes today were either living in Hollywood or near them. Like that girl, Lucy. She lives in Venice Boulevard and that guy Caleb, he lives in West Temple Street."

As I was about to continue talking, Sean interrupted. "How do you know all this? Where they live and stuffs? Like we've been in school for like what? Two to three weeks?"

"I had uh, some research and observed people. And I remember them." I told him as I shrugged and continued talking. "Look. Whatever it is, they're coming. They're heading down to Los Angeles." I paused. "Where is Boogie anyway?"

Everyone exchanged looks when Kaycee took out her phone and started dialing Boogie's number. "Boogie? Where are you? We're supposed to meet after school aren't we?" Kaycee said. There was a slight silence and then Kaycee replied with 'oh okay bye'.

"She said she had some stomach flu and went home straight." Kaycee said, locking her phone and keeping it in her pocket.

"Well, she's lying." Will interrupted. He then looked up from his phone to face us. "She's in Hollywood. I tracked down her phone."

"She went back for the ice cream." I said with wide eyes as everything came into sense. I started making my way to the car with the others trailing behind. As I was walking I overheard what Sean said to Kenneth. "Your girlfriend is smart do you know that?" Kenny just scoffed and smiled. "Too smart."

We were on our way to Hollywood and I can't help but notice that there were no signs of any bodies or blood. It's like someone cleaned up the mess after. "Isn't it weird that there are no signs of any bodies or blood? Except the body in the booth." I broke the silence in the car while looking out the window.

"Maybe Bailey wanted us to know that her creatures out there coming for us." Tati said from the backseat beside Josh.

"Yeah. I thought of that too. But I'm thinking why would she do this? Does she really want to wipe the entire universe?" I said and looked at the rear view mirror to sink that thought into Josh's and Tati's mind.

Few minutes later, we arrived and decided to park just outside the Universal Studios because the ice cream shop was across from the entrance. We got out the car and headed across the road towards the ice cream shop.

We stopped in front of the shop to see if anyone's inside. The door was slightly ajar. I pushed open the door and walked in. "Boogie?" No one answered. I saw some drips of blood splattered on the ice cream counter glass.

"Tati?" I called out, still staring at the drips of blood. She came over beside me and stared at the blood long enough before I interrupted.

"It's Boogie's, right?" Tati was still staring at the blood without blinking a bit. "Tati?" I waved my hand in front of her face but she still wasn't blinking until a drop of blood started to fall from her right eye.

"Tati? Tati!" I shook her body to wake her up and caught the other's attention. After several attempts to wake her up, she still wouldn't budge. We discussed for minute until we decided to let me claw her. Of course Kenneth is the alpha but his scratch would only do more harm than mine. Countless of drops of blood were coming out from her eyes and we couldn't wait any more longer. I took out my claws, my eyes changed colour automatically to yellow and I growled before I clawed her on her right thigh.

Tati gasped and fell to the floor. Will caught her and helped her to sit down. "Tati, I'm so sorry. Your eyes were blee-" I kneeled down beside her when she cut me off and held my hand.

"It's okay." She smiled before she thanked me. "I was tracking down Boogie with her blood and, and I found her. She was running away from something in the woods. And I helped her through it. I helped distract the creatures that she was running from. I heard you guys calling out my name, trying to wake me up but I ignored because Boogie was almost safe. But then y/n woke me up the hard way and luckily i managed to get Boogie out of there in time."

"Where is she now?" Kaycee asked.

"On her way here."

Just as Tati finished her sentence, Boogie barged into the shop holding her stomach that was bloody. She fell to the floor when Sean and Josh rushed over and helped her up. "We need to go. She's bleeding." Sean said while pressing her stomach to stop the bleeding. We then hurried out the store and head back home.

Kenneth hasn't stop the car yet when I opened the door and jumped out to unlock the door to our house. As I unlocked it, Sean and Kaycee plopped Boogie onto the emergency bed we have in the living room. I rushed to the kitchen to grab the nine herbs and then rushed back to Boogie to spread the green paste over her stomach. Seconds after I spread the paste, the wound started to burn a little and slowly covered up.

"What were you thinking? Going back there just for the ice cream?" Soni raising her voice.

"I just thought I could at least take a scoop and go." Boogie replied, facing her face away from us.

"It's just a stupid ice cream Boogie!" Boogie turned to face Soni with burning eyes.

"You're trouble Boogie. Tati was bawling her eyes out with blood coming out from her eyes! And all you could care was your stupid ice cream. You put us all in trouble Boogie. You're just a nuisance piece of sh-" Just as Soni was about to finish her sentence, Kenneth stood up from his seat. "Soni! That's enough."

"What? Am I wrong? I'm just saying what all of you are thinking! Since you guys are cowards, I'm saying the truth for you. So, you're welcome." Soni putting her arrogant face and was about to walk away when Josh caught her wrist. "You wanna know the truth? I made a terrible mistake for bringing you here."

Soni snatched her arm away and stormed upstairs. Few minutes later, she came down with a suitcase. "Well, good luck on your mission without me, your terrible mistake." Soni stormed out of the house and slammed the door behind her. Josh sighed and plopped on the sofa with his head in his hands.


[ Oui! The next two chapters are some quality time of Kenneth and you together since you haven't had the chance to hang out a lot with all the stuffs going on so stay tuned! I'm excited for the next chapter! It's gonna be a long one oooouuu 🖤 see you on the next chapter! Xoxo deena]

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