5: Of Best Friends and Guilty Pleasures

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I was still thinking about the story as I made a beeline towards Literature class. The story seemed like it was stuck in my head, running around my brain in circles.

A bright cheerful girl was stuck with a cocky guy as a cousin when her father's brother decided to marry his mother. They always bickered whenever they meet, in family gatherings, passing by each other, etc. they would always see each other, and to add to the matters, they went to the same school. But little did she know, was always jealous when he always flirted with other girls. And,whenever someone bullies her badly or she gets into a mess, she could always count on his back, as how he would count on hers. In the end, they fell in love.

I love those mushy fluff kind of stories. Get them and a cup of Guilty Pleasure, and you're sure to be in makeshift seventh heaven.

But, I had told myself not to worry, because I would have it again. After this, school's out and we have free time to roam around the school compounds. When I got to room 1190, I pushed the door open, and was surprised to see Aomine there, alone. Sleeping, at that.

It was still ten minutes early before the real class starts, meaning that students were just released five minutes ago. Students were given fifteen minutes intervals between classes for taking stuffs and relaxing out. I set my bag on the floor and sat beside him, placing my elbow onto the table; resting my head against my folded palm. Unconsciously, I began to stare at his sleeping face, a small dreamy smile making its way to my face.

As if sensing someone staring, Aomine stirred, and opened his gorgeous midnight blues. When they settled onto me, he let out a string of cusses, jumping in his seat, making me do the same.

Definitely not what I was expecting.

"Son of aー Will you stop being like Tetsu?" He growled out, folding back his hands and resting his head on top of them.

"Tetsu?" My eyebrows suddenly moved upwards, as I processed what he was saying. A tinge of jealousy made its way into my chest, aching it.

"Yeah.. Kuroko Tetsuya, Tetsu. That's his name right?" He drawled, before giving a loud yawn.

"Oh." Oops. "We don't call him that."

"Really?" He asked. The door opened and the first batch of students came streaming in, some surprised that we were here and some didn't even care. Out of all the students streaming in, I found my eyes stuck onto a head of dirty blonde hair. When I saw her face, I immediately cringed. Goddamnit, it's her.

When she saw Aomine's spiky midnight blue hair, her face lightened up, and she hastily ascended the stairs. However, when she saw me sitting next to him, her gaze fell into one of those annoyed ones, but still made her way through.

"Hey, Aomine-kun~" She smiled sweetly at him.

Aomine moved and sat up, and when he saw her, a cocky smile went its way up to his face. "Yo."

They then started chatting, about who knows what. I felt left out, and I knew I had to brace myself for the rest hour. I immediately sulked, letting out an irritated sigh. When I felt a figure nestling itself beside me, I turned to make a conversation.

"Hey, I'm Kaede. How areー"

I was stopped when I saw the same pair of heterochromatic eyes. I immediately gave off a loud girly yelp, jumping in my seat for the second time. I could've sworn the whole auditorium's gaze was on mine. Akashi's posture, however, did not falter one bit as his eyes was trained on mine, a small amused smile on his delicate lips.

"We meet again. Isn't it such a coincidence, Kaede?"

"Y-Yeah.." I trailed, gulping. The whole of auditorium burst into a fit of whispers, some eyes trained on every of my and Akashi's moves. "W-Wait, how do you know my name?"

"I'm the Emperor, Kaede. I know everything." He spoke as though it's an obvious thing. "Do you not have the honor for me sitting here?"

"No." I was about to reply when that deep baritone spoke behind me. I was too shocked to turn around, and I could see Akashi's calm demeanor maintaining. It was only his eyes that flicker to the tanned male behind me.

I cursed myself, before whipping my head towards him at light speed. I'm surprised I didn't get a whiplash.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed, my eyes trained onto him. He just had this hard gaze, ignoring me.

"Who the hell is he?" He growled back, completely ignoring my question.

"For the record, Aomine-kun, he's one of the most respected students here. You can't go around and tell him to scram! And answer my question before making me answer yours!" I hissed, full of venom, but as hushed as I can.

He suddenly turned away, ignoring me. He focused his attention to the blonde, leaving me there. Just there. The nerve of the jerkface!

Just.. damn this!

I turned back to Akashi, meekly apologizing about what just happened. Fortunately, he brushed it off, saying it was okay. He told me it was okay. That was a HUGE relief, believe me.

But I could still notice the murderous stares he gave Aomine from time to time. Mind you, I'm sitting beside him. How could I not sense the presence emanating off him?

When class had ended, I immediately walked out, after apologizing to Akashi once more. Oh God, you have no idea how embarrassed I was in front of Akashi.

"Kaede! Oi, Kaede!" I heard the deep baritone shout, and quickly pulled out my mobile, texting Kise.

Meet me at the fountain right now. Or ASAP. - Kaede

Before I could even slip my phone bak to my pocket, a message came.

Oh, sure thing! I finished early today. I'm already near the fountain. - Kise

Such speed.

I smiled to myself before breaking into a run, ignoring Aomine's calls behind me. I just knew that he would interrogate me if he got his hands on me, and I would never break out from his grasp. He had that blonde to attend to, it's not my fault. But there actually was something wrong with me.

But why was I so jealous of him talking to her, and why was he acting so possessive when I talk to other guys?

Ah well, not like all that mattered.

When I got to the fountain, I sat beside Kise, stretching my limbs. A silence blanketed over us, and for a while, it was comfortable.

"What happened again?" Kise was the first to break the silence, glancing at me worriedly.

"Talk over coffee?" I suggested. I was so not into the mood to talk without eating. At least I can stab something with a fork when I eat.

Heh. Fork Assassin. I like that.

"Sure, here or..?"

"Coffee Beans!" I squealed excitedly. "Pleaseeeeee," I pleaded, grabbing his arm and tugging it like a spoilt child I was. I even pouted.

He just gave a chuckle in response. "I knew you would say that, Kaecchi. You never turn down a Coffee Bean's offer."

"Yay!" I encircled my arms around him, giving him a huge hug.

"C'mon, let's go take our passes and go."

We made a beeline to the office, requesting for permission to go out of the School Compound. We filled out our forms and grabbed the passes, and pretty soon we were in Kise's car. It was yellow too, just like his hair. Sometimes, I really wonder if it was really just Kise's color or he was obsessed with it. We drove to the nearest Coffee Beans, probably because Kise was impatient to hear about what happened, and I was impatient too. To get my Ice blended Caramel Macchiato.

After we placed our order of cakes and drinks, we took a seat. We chatted mindlessly before my tag was called.

"Ms Sugahara Kaede?"

"Here," I replied, politely walking my way to the counter and grabbing our guilty pleasures. I brought them over to Kise and set them down.

"So," Kise said, taking his guilty pleasure and his for, ready to dig in. He had an expectant look in his eyes, "What happened?"

I broke off a piece of my Chicago Cheesecake and ate it. "Aomine picked a fight with Akashi."

Kise was about to indulge into his Black Forest Cake but then stopped, and his eyes turned wide. "What?" He asked disbelievingly.

"Aomine picked a fight with Akashi during Literature. But luckily the teacher was exceptionally late," I explained to him in detail. He listened, his expression changing from shock, to horror, to utter disbelief.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" The words left his mouth as soon as I finished speaking. This earned a few stares from nearby tables, but he kept his eyes focused onto me. I shrugged in defeat.

"I don't know why he did try to pick a fight with someone from the White Dorm. I mean, he wouldn't, but he just did. He's an..." I was about to say an "ass", but I just couldn't bring myself to say it. Something inside me prohibited me from doing so.

"Well.. There must be a problem." Kise came to a conclusion. To take my mind off the topic, he started talking about his day during PE, in which he came first in Track and most shots in Basketball. Honestly, he was just that good. But then his talk came to Kagami, the mysterious Basketball member with incredible jumping power.

"Nice.." I commented, scraping the last bits of my cheesecake with my fork and licking it. Pure nirvana. There were barely any cheesecake bits left on the plate. Kise laughed at my clean plate and told me I was obsessed with cheesecakes, to which it led him to a series of comments. I swatted them all off, completely forgetting everything negative that had happened.

We went to a window shopping after that, looking at the clothes that were up to trends. I bought myself a matching dark blue bracelet and ring, while Kise settled with a yellow chain. Because he told me that bracelets and rings looked like "girls". After mini shopping, we went back to the Dorm.

"Bye," I waved at Kise, who seemed to sent me to my floor, despite my protests. We managed to avoid any flocking girls who were head over heels of him, because let's face it, Kise had the marks of an Brainiac and the body of an athlete, and the looks of a model. Total epitome of a Perfect Guy, yeah?

I managed to assured him to go as far as up the lift, and here I was walking back from such a tiring day.

"Where were you?" The deep baritone growled out in anger, and when I turned, I saw Aomine sitting beside the door to our room.

"I went out with Kise.. Why?" I cautiously answered. What is wrong with this jerk?

"You know how long I waited for you? I even skipped Dinner! Goddamnit," his deep voice raised an octave with every word he spoke.

"Why aren't you in the room?" I asked as I pulled out my keys, unlocking the door. When I opened it he immediately stormed inside.

"Can't you see? I was waiting for you because my keys were inside!"

My mouth hung open in shock, "And it's my fault?"

"Who else's would it be?"

"Yours! Why won't you bring your own?"

"Because you had them!"

"You can't just rely on me!"

"Whatever," he went in, and a few seconds later I heard the door slammed shut loudly. I was sitting on my bed then, wincing at the sudden slam. I calmly changed into my night clothes, and grabbed a pillow. By then, the anger and hurt I'd bottled up was overflowing, making me grab my pillow and I screamed onto it. I didn't even notice that I was crying of anger until I saw l little wet blotch marks on the pillow, and I set it aside, pulling the covers over me and silently crying myself to sleep.


A/N: HAPPY A LITTLE OVER HALF A THOUSAND READS! Oh My God, you guys never fail to make me smile, even though I was having such a busy week. Thank you guys! Also, this chapter is dedicated to all those who commented.

A big thank you to you all, next update would probably be on the 20th! Stay tuned!

Dorm Mates with Aomine Daiki [A Kuroko no Basuke Fanfiction] Where stories live. Discover now