8: Hospital Visits

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8: Hospital Visits


I woke up for the umpteenth time, my body screaming in pain all over. Damn it, this isn't what I was expecting. What happened to my quiet school life?

I coughed, my throat giving of a raspy noise. It burned, and when my eyes opened, the unforgiving ray of lights invaded my eyes, giving them no mercy to close back and letting me have a good rest. I gave another round cough, moving to sit up and a figure beside my bed shifted.

"Kaede! Damnit.. Nurse!" The deep baritone called for help, and pretty soon, a petite nurse with kind brown eyes was gently forcing me back to bed.

"You're not ready yet, sweetie. Calm down," she ushered me back to bed, and something about her told me to stay obedient. Not about her anger if she loses patience, but this thing in her that indicates her tiredness, but she still treated her patients with never ending care and love.

I nodded, and tried to talk. "I'm going to get you a glass of water, make sure she doesn't move, okay?" She looked at Aomine, and back at me. She then walked out the room.

There was a silence between us both, the only noises were hushed whispers between nurses and doctors, and the small wails of patients in the background. I stared up at the white ceiling, imagining the wonders of the Earth. A small clear of the throat bought me back to reality, and I gave the bluenette beside me a look.

"Uh.. I... Um..." He stuttered on his words, looking down. He then proceeded to avert his gaze onto something else. Anywhere but me. "I-I'm sorry," he finally admitted, and having the courage to look at me in the eye.

The Nurse then came with a glass of water at hand, carefully helping me sit up before offering me the glass. I drank it all in one go, relishing the feel of water against my throat. God, for how long was I out?

"A few days," the Nurse smiled gently. I blinked at her, and nodded mildly. Did I just... say that out loud? "I'm afraid you did, again." she chuckled, noticing my shocked expression. She then got up and pushed me gently back down, silently urging me to rest. "You need as much rest as you can. Your father is on the way here, the hospital just informed him of your awakening."

My eyes went as wide as saucers, listening to the news. Unfortunately, the Nurse had left, so she wasn't able to see my expression. Only Aomine did. Speaking of which...

I coughed once again, trying to get my voice out. Once done, I spoke, but a bit raspy, "For whatever reason?"

Aomine's hand went to the back of his head, scratching it as a nervous look masked his usual frowning demeanor. "Well.. For not being there sooner.."

A sudden laugh erupted from me, causing Aomine to stare. The laugh was a little bit too forced and soon coughs erupted, as he desperately moved to my side. "K-Kaede!" He exclaimed, panicking. He then rubbed my back soothingly. When I calmed down, I looked at him with a smile.

"You shouldn't say sorry, I should be the one thanking you, and Kise for the help. If it weren't for the both of you, who knows how my condition will be." I relaxed against him, as he awkwardly put his arms around me. "Speaking of which, where is he?"

"Aomine-kun," a deep fatherly voice spoke, and his eyes went wide. When his eyes came in contact with my father, he scrambled away from me. My father gave me an "I-told-you-so" look, and I returned it with a frown. He then proceeded to shift his gaze to Aomine. "I see that you're the one who saved my daughter, and well as Kise-kun." My father sauntered over and gave his back a clap.

"I appreciate it very much. I'm in your debt." My father chuckled.

"N-Not a problem, Sugahara-san.." Aomine trailed, and even with his heavy tan, I could see him going red. Adorable.


"Well, I was just dropping by to see her. I'll leave her in your care, Aomine-kun. I trust you," he winked, before leaving.

"Father!" I exclaimed. He just chuckled and waved me off. I was practically dying of embarrassment here, mind you. Aomine then turned to look at me, but before he could say something, I repeated my question again. "Where's Kise?"

His face dropped into a scowl, which I admit, was a pretty nice show to watch. He then answered, "He ran to the store to pick up a few things, so he should be back soon. His turn in watching you should be about any minute."


"Kise and I took turns in watching you, waiting for you to wake up. I've finished my hour, and now it's Kise's turn. If he comes then I'll go."

I felt my heart drop. "What about school?"

"Your dad gave us a week off, starting a few days ago."

"Wow.. Lucky you two."

"I know, right?" He relaxed, putting his arms around the back of his head. He stretched. "Oh, by the wayー"

"Aominecchi!" Kise's voice reverberated around the room. I swore I could see Aomine scowl once more. When Kise entered the room and saw me sitting up, he dropped the groceries he was holding and practically ran.

But... Aominecchi...?

"Kaecchi! You're up!" He engulfed me into a hug. I hugged him back, despite the pain from the bruises.

"Yes I am, alive and healthy." I chuckled, ruffling his hair when we let go.

"Mou, you're mean," he looked up at his hair, but shrugged it off. "I'm really glad that you're fine, though. I was worrying when you would wake up."

"But you slept soundly." Aomine pointed out, still relaxing. Kise whirled around, mock glaring him.

"Oi! Shut up!"

"You shut up!"

"Guys, since when were you friends?" The question was blurted out, and I immediately shrunk back under the stares of them both. "S-Sorry..." I apologized.

Both of them started bursting out laughing. I sat there, dumbfounded. Humiliated, I grabbed my pillow and chucked them both with it. "Meanie!" I shouted.

Both of them wiped tears from their eyes. "Ever since we bought you here," Aomine explained. "We had a promise that we would get along."

"Ah..." I trailed, feeling stupid. I then glared at them both, pouting. Kise picked up my pillow and set it where it belonged, then gently pushed me back to bed.

"You need to rest okay? I'll take over." He spoke to both me and Aomine. "Really, Kaecchi.. Why didn't you tell me..?" His expression changed one second from a cheery one to a worried one. No wonder he's a model.

I tensed up. "I'm sorry..."

"This is what best friends are for, yeah?" He reached over and enveloped my hand, squeezing it lightly. "Next time, you better tell me."

"I will," I promised, giving him a weak smile.

"Then now go rest," he pulled the covers till they were up to my chin. "Sleep, Kaecchi."


A/N: You guys never ever fail to surprise me. A total of hundred votes. And close to two thousand reads. GUYS. HOW CAN I EVER THANK YOU ALL.

Here's a chapter, though I don't think that it's long enough. GDI, I'm so sorry. Next chapter would be more of a filler, and things go rocky from there ;) If you think that this story is full of fluffs and laughs, then this story is soooo not what you guys think. Ohohoho. nevertheless, I hope you guys stay until the end!

Next update isn't really confirmed, but it's somewhere before Feb 17th, since that's when my exams start. Until then, Loves!

(Lmao. Sorry if I sound btchy!)

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