Chapter 10 - The Truth About Werewolves

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**Disclaimer** I don't own Teen Wolf, the plot, characters, sketchy story lines, or vague character backgrounds. Congrats Jeff Davis.

 "So Eric, Scott, and Derek - " -- who I learned was the dark-haired man from the hospital -- " - are werewolves," I said.

 Stiles nodded his head. "Correct,"

 "And Lydia's a werewolf too,"

 "No, she was bit by a werewolf but nothing really happened to her," said Stiles. Everything he'd just told me was still jumbled up in my mind.

 Apparently Scott was bit in the woods a few months ago and then the wolf that bit him was killed by Derek, who is now what Stiles calls 'an alpha'. Eric had taken the bite over three years ago as an outlet after our mom died. But his alpha was killed by the alpha who bit Scott who was then killed by Derek who is now the current alpha. I think. And now there's some lizard-thing called a 'kanima' running around killing people. 

 Last night when Eric and I met Stiles at the scene of that murder, Stiles didn't just walk in on the mechanic laying dead underneath his jeep. Apparently he witnessed it, and that's why he looked so freaked out. I guess this kanima has poison that can paralyze you from the neck down, which is why Stiles was unable to do anything. Some of this is just too weird.

 "Okay, and Allison is a werewolf hunter," I said, making sure I had it all sorted out.


 "So what are you?" I asked him.

 "I'm...nothing," he said, somewhat saddened by it. Did he want to be something?

 We'd been sitting on my bed and talking for the past hour. I listened as Stiles explained all of the freaky supernatural stuff that goes on in this town. Logic told me not to believe a word he said, but my gut said otherwise. I know what I saw at the pool. Whether I want to accept it or not, this is all real.

 "Emma there's something else you should know," he said, slowly. "But I need you to trust me and promise not to freak out. I would never lie to you, okay?"

 "You just told me that the majority of my friends are all involved in the supernatural. How much weirder could it possibly get?" I asked.

 He gave an uncomfortable smile. He took a deep breath before speaking. "Emma, that night you lost your never hit your head."

 I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "What?"

 "You're not entirely human. It's a complicated story but, you're a healer. You can heal yourself and others faster than even werewolves."

 I shook my head. "But I got a paper cut the other day in class and it took a normal time to heal,"

 Stiles scooted closer to me in the bed and I felt my heart jump. He took both of my hands in his, looking me directly in the eye. "Emma, I'm about to tell you something that you may find difficult to believe, but I need you to trust me. I wouldn't lie to you."

 His honey colored eyes told me that he was telling the truth. I nodded. "I believe you,"

 He gave a soft smile. "The gene for your ability is passed down to every female in a generation. But, the only way to trigger it is by a werewolf bite. The night of the car accident that killed your mom and Zoe, it wasn't a deer or whatever they told you it was that caused your mom to crash. It was a werewolf. He bit you, Emma, because you were the only one alive. He triggered your ability to heal. Your bite mark was the only thing that never did heal, that's why Eric and I were so confused when we realized it had disappeared from your stomach,"

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