straightest part 2

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Aderin POV

After the events concerning ru and liv, we all decided to go home early. I just read for most of the night, as per usual.
The next day;;
Damn the cold-ass weather. The one day that I forget to wear my school jumper is the one day that the temperature decides to drop to minus five degrees. It doesn't help that Mrs Dean will spend another ten minutes sitting in the chemistry room basked in warmth (from her rolls of body fat) whilst leaving us students waiting for her to open the door.

Thankfully Hiba and Ru are waiting with me- so at least I have friends to suffer with.Hiba is shivering and Ru is trying to masturbate- whilst standing. How the heck do they manage?

"You know, I would actually be glad I'm missing Chemistry if it didn't feel like I was standing in the North Pole," Hiba says, wrapping her arms around tighter around herself. Ru sighs.

"What does she even do in there before she lets us in?" They ask. On cue, nasty images and ideas play in my head. I shudder in disgust.

"Fuck knows. And I think we should keep it that way." I reply. I can't even bring out a book to read because my fingers are dead and numb.

Just so you know, I go to Haytton school with my friends. There's a bunch of us but we all split into sub groups at times.

Finally, after what feels like an age, I see Mrs Dean's lumbering figure walk to the door. She turns the lock and opens it, blinding us with her insanely disturbing sense of fashion. Her usual routine on a Monday morning.

"Morning!" She chirps in her nasal voice. "Come on in." We all file inside, grumbling loudly. Oh boy. This is going to be a long hour.


Lizzie POV



"I really don't like dance." Habeebah says for the fifth time in the girls' changing room. I laugh fondly and tuck my head into her shoulder.

"I know. Just hide behind me."

I really couldn't blame her for not liking dance. She tried coming to a club with Aderin and I once; that just put her off the subject more.

"Okay guys! Dance studio now please!" Our P.E teacher sticks his head around the door and shouts.

When we get there, and we're sat across the floor next to Oscar, Mr Scarsbury starts the lesson. His stormy green eyes scan the room, causing us to squirm under his heavy and intense gaze.

"Ok. Today we will be exploring telling a character whilst performing in dance. I've decided to pick a special topic today- the seven deadly sins." He pauses, daring anybody to say something. When we all remain quiet (which is smart of us) he nods in approval and carries on."I will be picking a few people to help demonstrate what the character I give them"- cue another pause "can be expressed like. Hmmm....Heeba Ahmin. Come here please." His gaze is fixed on...well shit. Beebs.

"Actually sir, my name is habeeb-"

"DID I ASK YOU TO TALK ADEEBA? NOW COME HERE!" he shouts at her, the poor girl.Oscar gives a secret thumbs up as she gets up and walks to the front.

"Now, Haleema, you will be....gluttony." Habeebah makes a face at me and I try not to laugh. She turns slowly to face Mr Scarsbury.

"Um, isn't that the one that's fat?"

"What did you just say Hasheeba?" No reply. "Good. Now act fat."

That does it. Everyone starts to laugh.

Sorry for the shitty ending but I couldn't think of anything else sooooo

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