Traffic lights

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Habeebah's POV

Where in the actual fuck is this bus pass?

I've been searching for a good half an hour, turning my room into a bombsite, opening and closing drawers with no success. I close my closet door for the umpteenth time and collapse on my bed. Oh well. I have spare change. I'll just pay with that.

I put my trainers on and grab my coat from behind my door, cursing and muttering grumpily. This trip to the Art Gallery better be worth the shouting I know I'll receive from my mum after I break the news to her after school.

After leaving the house with no breakfast (for the third time this week) I sprint towards the bus stop- the only bit of exercise I ever do by myself. I reach the stop just in time and fish around my pockets for some money.....that doesn't seem to exist. CRAP. Panic curses through me and I look around,patting my pockets, even thought I know that nothing will help me. I'll just say my bus was delayed, I think, turning back to go home.

"Now just where do you think you're going?"


"Dave." I speak without turning.

"You look....well. Why don't we leave that one?"

Breathe, Habeebah. Calm. Count to ten. I curl and uncurl my fists whilst turning to face him. He's leaning against the bus stop, a smile playing at his lips.

Holding money.

When I say nothing, he shrugs. "What? Don't need it?" He starts to put the coins back in his pockets and my neediness gets the better of me. 

"Wait! I mean....thank you." I say grudgingly. I see the bus coming towards the bus stop. As the doors open Dave says, "You're welcome. Now come on." 

Reluctant but desperate, I follow him unto the bus.

Ru's POV


"Present." She says without looking up from her book. Hmph. Typical.




No reply. 

"No Habeebah?" Miss looks up from her computer. Laura just laughs, staring at the window.

"She's here all right." She says, nodding her head at where she's looking at. I spin around on my chair-then guffaw loudly. Habeebah is running down the school car park, her coat half worn and her bag in both hands. Soon the whole class eventually join in the laughter. Even the teacher.

"Right." She says and changes the mark on the register, shaking with silent laughter. "Let's spare her."


Later we're standing in the school hall with the rest of our year, our chatting boucing off the walls and filling the room with constant noise. I'm standing in a group that includes a flustered Habeebah, Laura, Izzy and Aderin. I still don't get how she can maneuver her way through school corridors reading without constantly colliding with people. Suddenly, she jumps and then smiles when Grace sits next to her. I ship it so hard, but Aderin just laughs and says she's straight.

"Hey guys!" Grace says, fiddling with her necklace I got her for Christmas. Her fiery ginger, curly hair is in it's usual pony tail and she's grinning like crazy.

"What's wrong with you?"  Izzy asks. 

"Nothing,I'm good."She pauses. Then adds, "I'm done."

"BYE!" Aderin bursts out laughing and Grace joins in. I see that another group is coming, including Hiba. She reaches us and plants her bag down.

"So errr..I wanna fuckin kill myself." 

"Morning to you too, Hiba." Lizzie replies trying to make happy conversation, but Hiba takes a deep breath. 

Here we go.

"Ok but why are some people so frickin irritating like telling me when I can or can't eat a pear like bitchhhhh since when did stomachs have opening and closing times DO YOU WANT me to throw you out the fuckin window get out of my site before I start because I swear when I'm done  with you your eyebrows will be at the back of your ugly ass head," she sucks in air through her teeth. There's a silence that follows Hiba's tirade. Izzy looks baffled. Sonia looks ready to howl with laughter.  Gina eventually speaks up first.

"Hiba, do you want a hug?" She steps forward, almost cautiously. Hiba smiles gratefully and embraces Gina.

"Thanks Gina LOVE YOU."  Well, that concluded quickly. Then the hall ceases conversation as one of the teachers climbs up the steps to tell us about the trip. 


I know I know this is boring but I couldn't think of anything and how you all could fit except for school so and also beebo enjoy ;))) LoL

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