Spin the bottle

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Aderin's POV

You know, these are one of the moments in life that I have where I really regret some decisions I've made. For example: coming to this party. I could have just lied, said I had another shift in the library, saved my ass from TROUBLE, but noooo. To make sure I actually arrived, I had the heartbroken modern-romeo lesbian flunked on one side of me (who ran off as soon as she set her eyes on Sonia) and then the "Irish scumbag" who practically dragged me here on my other side. Then, to make matters worse, I gave myself a migraine in the first two minutes of getting to the party.

And I'm still one of the sober ones left. Which says a lot about my friends.

Now I'm sat in a circle, about to play the one game I've been avoiding all my life: spin the fuckin bottle.

"Okay! I'll start!" Madi reaches forward and starts to spin the bottle, her eyes then shutting close and her fingers crossing. After the anxious waiting, the bottle finally lands on....

Oh crap.

I didn't hear much about the fight that they had, but I know my friends enough to confirm it must have been some serious stuff.

Madi shoots a death glare at Lizzie. But then all of a sudden her face clears up and she smiles- wait- seductively at her.

"Let's do this then, shall we?" she slurs and they both lean in. Immediately after their lips meet, Madi raises her right hand to drive it into Lizzie's gut. All hell breaks loose. Carter is screaming encouragements like 'slap her harder' and Ru wraps an arm protectively around liv. The two start going at it on the floor and Freya has to sacrifice herself to tear them apart. When they've calmed down, and have sat as far away from each other as possible, we carry on with the game.

"My go!" Ru spins the bottle. Now they have a problem. If lands on somebody that isn't Liv then...

Curse my jinxing. It lands on Habeebah.

A collective gasp erupts from us. Well. With the exception of me and Freya, who makes eye contact with me and shakes her head. Apparently when you're drunk everything is dramatic.

"Oh look, Ru I'm Habeebah kiss me instead-" Liv begins, but then is cut off by Ru.

"You didn't need to say anything; I wasn't gonna kiss her anyway." Then they capture Liv's lips with theirs. Aw. True love.

"Right. Who's next?" Freya calls out, trying to ignore the passionate make out that's happening next to her. Taylor raises and eyebrow at Freya.

"Hmm..how about you!"

"You can't volunteer people-"

"Go along with it," Madi grumbles. "God blesses you and maybe you won't be so unfortunate as to kiss an ugly ratchet like I did."


"Okay!" Freya says and starts to spin the bottle. She watches with a weary eye as it slows and lands on...Evie.

Evie looks up at Freya, eyes widening and blinking several times. They uncomfortably make their way towards each other and start to kiss.

Fam, I dunno maybe it was just me, but Evie looked like she was really enjoying it. But then Freya broke it and quickly ducked her head, but not before I saw the blush that spread across her cheeks.

"I'M NEXT!" Taylor announces and spins the bottle, making it land on Aaron Jacobs when it stops spinning. Then she jumps on him and they start making out.

Well that was over quick.

"Aderin, spin." Lizzie states. My eyes widen in shock and I stare at her.

"But wh-"

"Shut the fuck up and spin the bottle."

I groan and pick it up with a sweaty hand. This shouldn't be a big deal. But this will be my first kiss. And I imagined it to be a bit more eventful than surrounded by drunkards in a late night party.

Here goes nothing, I think. Then I spin.

I watch as it goes round and round. Then as it slows down and points...to the corridor.

"PHEW YAYAY!" I begin and jump up and down, whooping in delight. But my rejoicing is cut short when it moves a bit more...to Habeebah.




"OOOOOOHHHHHHH!" Everyone go crazy again.Seeing this as an advantage, I motion for habeebah to come to me and then I give her a kiss just by her lips, but not on it. She physically relaxes and walks back.


"Nu-uh. We already have."

"But none of us saw it," Taylor says triumphantly.

"I did," Maddy whispers. And I grin at her gratefully.

"One person is enough," Habeebah nyas.

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