
35 3 0

Soniaa P. O. V

I wanted to rip that little leprechauns eyes out SHE FRUSTRATES ME SO BAD UGH.  There's not much I can do but it's such a dick move and she chooses to ignore me at school. Argh!
After the little scene at school I decided just to leave.
I somehow ended up walking around the city centre but hey, I ain't complaining. 
Ooo they're giving away free fuel juice smoothies, maybe today isn't so bad at all. Nobody understands how much I love fuel juice 'Raspberry crush'  smoothies, honestly the best thing on this planet I could live off it, honestly it's so so so good. I recommend very much, nothing compares to juice fuel raspberry crush mmmmm.

"Raspberry Crush?"

I go to claim my drink, "Thank you, have a nice day."  I've got a routine of telling everyone to have a good day after a conversation, it's polite but in some situations can be turned around to be sassy I love it.
Mmmmm this smoothie is amazi-

"Что за чёрт!? (What the hell)"
I Scream after having the contents of my fuel juice cup being spilt over me. 

"Oh my god I nearly dropped my milkshake,  you idiot! " The most gorgeous brown eyes glare at me. 


"Well? What's your name! Speak up!"

The brilliant idea of pretending to only be able to speak Russian pops up.

"Um, Inglyish naoh" I say in feigning a thick Russian accent.

"Как хорошо что я говорю по Русскому тогда? (Isn't it great that I speak Russian then?)" He smirks at me, looking right through my fake Russian accent.

"Да блин, а почему я тебя не знаю? Я всех Русских в Бирмингеме знаю.(Ugh fuck, then why don't I know you? I know all the Russians in Birmingham.) " I ask analysing his (beautiful)  face to see if I recognise it. 

"Илья Иванов, а вас как зовут?(Ilya Ivanov, and what is your name?)"

No way. This was my childhood best friend. No fucking way, hmm let's see if he remembers me?

"Соня Дунаева(Sonia Dunaeva)"

His smirk was replaced by a look of shock and disbelief.

"Не может быть! Соня?!  А я та думал откуда я такие красивые глаза видел!? (No way! Sonia?! And I was thinking, where have I seen such pretty eyes!?)" He basically shouted.

"Да, да это я, давненько не виделись старый друг. (Yes, yes it's me, long time no see old friend)" I smiled fondly at all the adventures our family's had during and after Russian Saturday school, while Ilya bought me in for a hug.

"Ну я по тебе соскучился Сонечка. (Well I missed you Sonichka)" He grinned and casually rested his arm around my shoulders.

And all the thoughts of Alex and Tay dissappeared. But I knew for sure, I didn't want the group could find out about this little reunion, not yet at least.  

A bit short and shit but he heh he Hehehe

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