Party no.2

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I stop texting Ru and glance up at Lizzie. "Yeah?"

"Are you planning on going?"

I trace my index finger around the rim of the costa lid. "Just depends on if I have things to do that night, homework etcetera."

"True." Lizzie replies, but now she's grinning at her phone. I don't even need to ask her what it is she's grinning about.

"How is he?" Why do you want to listen to her, again?

"Goooooooood. We're going out again on Sunday, and I might be able to convince him to come with me."

"Yeah, Liz, no offence but why would he need to be there?"

"I dunno. Help, I guess?"

It would make things clearer if I told you what we were 'going' to. You see, a certain someone has been acting strange. A certain someone being Madi. She seems a bit on edge, and the last time Oscar tried to talk to her he ended up telling her to fuck off because she wouldn't cooperate. This was bad; if Oscar flips out the situation must have to be severe.

"What do you think it is?" Lizzie asks, then takes a sip of her hot chocolate, and pulls a face at how hot it is.

"Honestly? I have no clue. I've known Madi a long time and this kind of behaviour has never surfaced."

"Oh...well. If she's in a good mood that would make it slightly less awkward."

"We'll just have to wait and see. Who knows, maybe she's been deprived of chocolate?" I try to make a joke, but the heavy silence forces all traces of humour to evaporate.



Quinn POV

All it takes is half an hour for the party to go into full swing. It's at Jasper Greyson's house (since it was the biggest out all  the boys in the rugby team) and the only reason why my friends and I are here is because Dave Howe would not stop pestering us with invitations- correction, pestering Habeebah. He probably only invited to not look like a massive prick. Well NEWSFLASH buddy, that doesn't change my opinion about you.

We're deep into the second hour of the mayhem- and believe me I've checked. I clutch my camera close to my chest, trying to scan the crowd for some sort of scene that does not involve sloppy kissing or some  drinking. So far I've been unsuccessful.

"Now do you understand why I don't like these things?" Aderin sighs and flips the page of her book. She's sat next to me in the corner of the living room, on one of the chairs. Her mum would disapprove of these sort of gatherings, but her aunt is the one staying with her whilst her mum is away, so she was forced to come here for being too 'antisocial'.

You think.

"I get." I was just here to take photos, but also to wait for the signal to join our squad in one the rooms and discuss shit with Madi about why she was being so unMadi like.

"When are they gonna wave, for God's sake?" Aderin snaps her book shut and looks at her watch. "It's quarter to ten and the only thing I've achieved is finding out that my ship in the book has crashed. Again."

There is no need to wait. Dave and Jasper stand on a table and clap for our attention. The crowd goes silent, on cue.

"I hope you guys know why we had this party tonight.  Other than to hook up with the girl you've been crushing on for an eternity. Yep, looking at you, Olly." Jasper nods in the direction of the person he's addressing, and a few pats and whoops are passed at Olly, who has his arm around some blonde chick.

"We're here because Hayton has won finals, for the TWELFTH season in a row." Dave finishes. A deafening cheer erupts, and Aderin and I feel obliged to clap along. This is up until Bianca May pulls Dave down and takes his place on the table. She then proceeds to wrap her arms around Jasper's neck and crash her lips unto his. He's still for a few seconds, but then  gets into the kiss.

Beside me,  Aderin stiffens, then gets up to walk out of the room towards the garden. I get up to follow her, only to see Madi has gone after her, looking back at Jasper like she wants to kill him.

What the hell is going on?

When I get outside and hide behind one of the fern bushes, I see Aderin on a bench next to Madi.  She then says: "So this is what it feels like, huh?"

"What what feels like?"

"Unrequited love."

Madi sighs and nods. "Yeah. Welcome to the club."

Eyes widening , I turn and try not to make noise as I run  back into the house.

Personally, I think you should get an award if you get through this long- ass chapter. But I felt like writing so....

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