Weird Chicken Girl?

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Sonia's P.O.V

The party was fucking weird. Chicken girl took me to a room and honestly my initial thoughts were that she was gonna stuff a fried chicken wing up my ass or some weird shit like that but she luckily she was only asking me out. And I kinda felt bad, cuz I was gonna say no. But luckily/not so luckily Lizzie burst into the room and got pissed at Madi and they had a huge fight. And it was over me. Me?  Little old immigrant me.

I slipped away during Madi or Lizzie -  I wasn't looking so I'm not sure- shouting something along the lines of 'I'll shank you'  but that was all I heard before I quietly went to get Alex to pick me up.

"What's up?" Alex said getting out of his car.  "Well a lot of shit.  But you know how Madi likes me-" 

"Weird chicken girl?"

"That's the one,  she tried to ask me out,  then Lizzie, you know the basic one who always snapchats the shit,  walked in and they started full on fighting cuz of me and I really didn't want to get in the middle of it,  although I already an basically,  so I texted you.  And thank God for the fact that you were able to pick me up so fast. " I rushed out, getting into his car.

"Aww, babes that must be hard,  but don't worry,  I've got something that can take your mind off of it." Alex smirked and drove to his house.

Everything was going smoothly, I was already in my bra and panties when "Hey daddy!  You called me a couple hours ago and I'm hereee!"

I stopped. I knew that voice. It was fucking Taylors. 

"Какой же ты хуй Саша." (What a dick you are Alex) I sneered and left.


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