threesomes and unknown faggots

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Taylor POV

I enter the familiar house with Madi and Aderin. The music was bopping, the lights were flashing. I'm surprised I haven't got a migraine. Madi immediately spotted Sonia and ran and fast as her long lesbian legs could take her.

"MADI WHERE ARE YOU GOI- oh guess it's just you and me now" I say to Aderin.

"Yes I guess it is" She replies reaching into to her pocket to pull out a book. I stop her half way.

"Nuh uh gurl you ain't reading at a party you'll be slagged for life come on we're doing shots" I say as I pull her through the crowd.

I pour out some vodka into little cheap glasses and hand one to her. I down it and pull a face, how am I still not used to this?? I look at Aderin and see her cup empty, she must have drank it already.

"Woah I didn't know you were pro at this you didn't even make a face dude!" I exclaim patting her on this back.

She makes a face but turns it into a smile saying "Yeah totally I love that" then looks away awkwardly and begins to walk away. She's probably gonna get some ass.

"HELL YEAH YOU GO GIRL!" I yell at her.

I walk over to the drinks. I pick up a red solo cup and poor in a fuck load of alcoholic beverage not really caring what went in. I need to get hammered. I see Carter with his damn frog again. I look closer and see it's not cut open yet.

"Aw is that a new friend" I ask him.

"Yeah" he mumbles.

"Where did you get him?"

"In the science lab"

"When are you gonna cut him open"

"When his heart stops beating"

"Oh okay"

I stumble away to get more drink.
I see multiple teens from my school making out. HEY IS THAT LITTLE JIMMY FROM SCIENCE GETTING IT ON WITH AARON JACOBS the hottest guy in school.
I want in on this.

"Hey guys can I join?"

They immediately pull me into their make out session soon to be fuck as we do the unspeakable to each other.

It lasted an hour.
Damn that was a good threesome I need to do stuff like that more often. Just thinking about it makes me turned on. Ugh I need to make out with someone or something. Suddenly I have an idea.

"HEY FUCKNUTS AND FAGGOTS GATHER ROUND WE'RE PLAYING SPIN THE BOTTLE WOO" everybody runs over bc I'm popular and do as I say. We all sit in one big circle and the game begins.

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