Past resurface

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Aderin's POV

After talking to Evie, I slip away out into the garden, desperate for some fresh air. I think it will be full of people messing about, but strangely enough it's empty. Except for a lone figure perched on the bench, staring into the distance. With closer inspection, I find it's Sonia. Her body language tells me how pissed and upset she is, so I approach her slowly. Eventually, she looks up and sees me.

"Hey," she says.

"Hey." I nod at the empty space next to her. "Mind if I join you?" She shrugs, going back to watching the distance. I sit down next to her, ignoring the fact that the bench is absolutely freezing. We sit there in a comfortable silence for another few minutes, when eventually she speaks. 

"I was surprised, you know."

"That what?"

"That you came." I smile softly.

"Why? Anyway, it's not like Taylor was-"

"Don't mention the bitch's name," Sonia snaps. I raise my eyebrows, startled."What did she do?"

"Her and Alex made plans."

"Wait- as in, your Alex?"

She breathes out heavily.

"Yep." We fall into another silence, when a single thought comes to mind.

"What if Madi finds out?"

"She'll beat the crap out of him. And I won't stop her."

You go girl. I won't stop her either. I turn around to make a joke about Alex being a two timed pig when I see a single tear escape her cheek. She quickly wipes it away.

"I mean, I would understand that maybe Alex would do that at some point. But I trusted her." 

"Sonia, everyone at this party is drunk, ok? Either drunk or scarred from the experience. Like Evie." Sonia laughs, and I mentally high-five myself before carrying on. "Tay is one of them. She probably isn't thinking straight. But listen. When she's sober, I'll talk to her about it."

Sonia nods, and turns to me to smile.

"Thanks." I grin back.

"No problem. Now go back in there and kick some fit-boy butt with Madi."

She laughs again and follows my advice, but not before giving me another smile and a wave.

Damn, Professor Adebiyi. That wasn't a bad pep talk at all.

Suddenly, my phone rings in my pocket. With a numb hand, I pick it up. It's a number I don't recognise. Out of curiosity, I answer the call.


"Aderin. I didn't think you would pick up. It's been a long time."

It's short and shit I'm sorry but dun dun dunnnnnnn

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