false homos

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{Sonia's pov}

She's weird. Really weird. Like who the Fuck talks about chicken?? I'm straight. It's obvious she likes me. Look I'm sorry Madi but this isn't your weird chicken fantasy world, I'm straight for sure. Like I've fucked you, and it was nice and all but I prefer dick.

Don't get me wrong, Im not a Hoe like Taylor and Quinn but I do enjoy some dick.

Im walking to maths on my own because this school hates me and decided I should live through the torture without our weirdo squad. But without my best friends I actually get a chance to talk to other people in it. That includes my biggest crush ever, Alexander. He's so hot. And he's Russian too so he speaks Russian with me because I prefer it. He sits next to me and I always look forward to maths because of it.

When I walked in I took my beautifully assigned seat at the back next to Alex. He gave me a really flirtatious smile... Or was it? Maybe it's just my mind creating images I'd like to see. I sat down and took all my stuff out.

"Alright class, I'm going to take the register now so be silent or it could be a detention." Miss Jells said, she looked so sternly at everyone in the class until her eyes landed on me and she smiled very sweetly. No Miss isn't one to smile sweetly at her victims, she only smiles at me because I'm the only one who gets full marks on every test in her class. What can I say, I'm a teachers pet sometimes. It has its perks I'll prove it sometime.

I look down at my desk to find a neatly folded piece of paper that I didn't see before. 'Sonia <3' is what it says, I look around the class for potential writers, normally it would be some creepy note from Madi but she wouldn't be able to cuz she isn't in this class. Nobody's looking at me except Alex, he's smirking and he motions me to open it. I do.

'I'm gonna 'go to the bathroom' and then you do too, meet you outside the disabled ones in section 1, nobody goes there- A;) '

I smirk and look up at Alex, who has his hand raised already.

"Miss Jells, may I go to the bathroom? I think I'm coming down with something"

Miss gives him a disgusted look, "Ew get out of my classroom, don't come back for a while"

He leaves but not before giving me a wink.

I'm not dumb, I know I'm gonna get away with it either way so I put my hand up and make my most uncomfortable expression,
"Miss Jells! Miss Jells! Alex gave me some of his food this morning, I'm not feeling good at all either! May I please leave the room? "

"Oh my dearest Sonia of course, have a free period, both of you, please get better!" She says with a worried smile.

I excuse myself and jog to the toilets.

"Well, well, well, finally, I've been wanting to do this all year" Alex smirks and pulls me into the unused toilets and locks the door.

He puts his warm lips on mine and starts moving them, moving mine in sync. I push him off to check the time, 50 minutes of pure joy left, let's do this.

And so his lips and kisses start moving further down my, no-longer uniform clad body.


I mean, I can include real smut if you want me to but none of the others have so I decided against it. I love you Madi but I'm straight so in the book I am too.

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