Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I finally found Bailey she was sittin with the girls just talking. She looked a little upset and I knew she would be that whole situation was something we never expected. Bailey looked at me “well mister what is going on, I want the whole story about Cassie” “Are you sure it’s long story” “ I want to know everything Brian, Everything from the day you met to the reason why you guys weren’t talking and why you had to run and find Tyler”. Ok I said and I started from the beginning like she asked I really cared about her and I wouldn’t lie to her I just couldn’t. I have known Cassie since we were like 5 because our dads worked together. We grew up together and have been best friends since day one. We did everything together, we were inseparable our parents actually thought we would get married but we had a different relationship. We used to go to camp together and do talent shows and write music together. She was actually the one who told me I could sing and helped me learn to write songs. She is an amazing singer but she was a better dancer, smart and funny. I thought she would be famous but she decided not to go that route. When we were 14 her dad got this job offer and she had to move to New York it was truly the worst thing for us. We were best friend she was going so far away but we would make it work. We talked on the phone all the time wrote songs and just talked about life. When she first moved up there she had a hard time being in the big city but she could fit in wherever. Eventually we got busy with school and sports and didn’t talk as much but whenever we could we did. We both dated but nothing really stuck. She dated a lot of total losers but I didn’t judge her. “You sure you want me to go on” “why are you asking me that I want to know everything Brian. If you want me to like her and get to know her I need to know.”  After we both graduated our parents sent us on a trip to California, then back to Florida and then New York. We were so happy we were 18 and we were getting to see each other for the first time in 4 years. I think she knew what happened next but I just let it out. Our 2 weeks in California were perfect. While we were there we started talking about sex and we both laughed that we haven’t done it. We thought it would be good to lose our virginity to each other because we were such good friend and Cassie said if it wasn’t me she would lose it to some guy who would treat her like crap like she almost has before and she said I could get the kinks out before I try it with someone who will judge me. We laughed because we didn’t think it would really happen but one night we were drinking and it just happened. Bailey looked at me concerned “how many times did you guys have sex Brian” I cleared my throat and looked at her and said a lot that summer but never after that I promise. We were young and it was fun but we knew we had to stop if we didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I could see the relief on her face and I promise baby I’m telling the truth. After that we didn’t see a lot because I was doing college and Cassie decided to join the Marine Corps. We would talk when she could but she was traveling and she had to go to a war zone a couple times so I sent her care packages and letter to make her feel like she was back home. I even sent her some sand from her favorite beach in Florida. She eventually met a guy fell in love and got married. I was so happy for her. Then after they were married for about 3 years he was killed in action in Afghanistan. She was crushed and I made sure I was there for her as much as I could. After this she started to write songs and a lot of them have been song by artist in all different genres but mostly country. Just when I got to that point my tour manager came over it was 130 and we had to do sound check. “I’m sorry to leave in the middle of the story baby, but I’ll be back in a little bit” “You have to tell me about Cassie and Tyler when you get back” “That’s the next part of the story baby and the crazy part”

Bailey’s POV

I didn’t think this story could get any crazier but I guess I was wrong. There were so many things going through my head. The way BK talks about Cassie he must love her but can two people be just friends after the spent a summer having sex. I hope he didn’t lie when he said that it never happened again after the summer. Maybe I’ll ask Cassie and see what she says. I walked over to her she was talking to Luke and his guys. “Excuse me Cassie can I talk to you? “Sure sweetheart what’s up?” “Brian started to tell me the story about you and I have some questions.” “Ok shot, I’m a pretty open book” “he said you guys lost your virginity to each other” “yep that’s true we did the summer after graduation, I think I know your question.” “How many times did you guys have sex” “Well to be honest I can’t put a number on it because we were young and it would just happen but it only happen for that summer then we stopped” “why??” “Because our friendship was more important and we didn’t want to be in a relationship together” “Oh ok” That was a relief and she was so honest she seems like a good person and she is BK’s best friend so I’ll give her a chance. I wanted to get to know her so I asked her questions. “So how was the Marine Corps?” “It was an amazing experience it helped me grow and I was able to get a degree while I was in online so I made the best of it” I admired her for being able to serve I never would have made it. ”What did you go to school for?” “Well while I was in I got my bachelors in Marketing. The when I got out I got my MBA in Marketing” “I’m also considering going back to school and getting a degree in psychology so I can get more involved with my charities. What about you?” “I’m going to the university of Tennessee and I’m getting a degree in psychology”” that’s awesome Bailey maybe you can let me know if I should do it” We both laughed and continued talking and I had to tell her that I was sorry about her husband and she said thank you. I could tell it still hurt to think about him she had a heart tattoo and it had his initials and the date she lost him. She actually had a lot of tattoos. Before I knew it BK was coming back and he asked if I wanted to hear the rest. Of course I did I wanted to know the juicy details about her and Tyler. I felt like I was being nosey but I didn’t care this girl was pretty interesting.

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