Chapter 14

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Cassie POV:

I was sitting on the side with the girls I hate surprises because I’m such a control freak and they both know that about me. I’m stressing out thinking about what they could do. I’m hoping they don’t want me to sing because I really don’t want that to happen. “Do you girls know about this surprise” I asked bailey and Roxy with a worried look on my face “Maybe” Bay said. “Well tell me I’m getting stressed out. I really hope they aren’t going to ask me to sing. I really don’t want to do that. I love being behind the scenes writing.” “Well” ”Really Bay, I’m not going out there. I’ll sit right over here and let them look like fools. I’m not even warmed up.” “You know you always sound good. You don’t need to warm up and one of them will just come pick you up and drag you on stage.” Roxy said as she laughed. “Why are they doing this to me?  I’m not happy about this.” “Oh relax they will probably have you sing your song with BK. You’ve done it a million times. You sounded good the other day” Bailey said and she was right. They were singing tell me how you like it and the next song was Stay but the music stopped.

Tyler’s POV:

BK and I wanted everyone to know how much Cassie means to us and how we both never want to lose her again. SO when we got to stay we stopped the music. “ SO we have a very special person here with us tonight. She is one of the sweetest, kind hearted and generous people we know.” I said  then BK took over “I have known her all my life and without her help and support I never would have discovered my talents. She’s my best friend and has always supported me.” “Both BK and I made mistakes and almost lost her but now that she is back in our lives we never want to make that mistake again. SO We are going to have her come out here and this next song is for her.” “Come on out Cass” BK yelled to her but she didn’t move. “Um I guess someone who is never shy is playing shy” I walked over to her and put my hand out for her to take it and she was hesitant. “Cassie Marie Harrison, Don’t make me pick you up and carry you on the stage. We don’t have all day” She smiled and took my hand “I’m not singing though, so don’t even ask me to” She had a serious look on her face then let out a laugh. Her laugh was so cute, I grabbed her hand and walked to the stage and placed her between BK and I. “OK now that this beautiful girl is here, this song is for you baby girl. We love you” They started to play Stay and she was dancing and singing. I loved seeing her so happy and I’m so glad she is here.

Cassie’s POV: Oh they are beyond sweet so far the surprise is awesome. I love that my BK and Ty are being so sweet. I can’t believe they’re singing and dedicating a song to me. I wasn’t expecting this since we really haven’t talked in such a long time. I ‘m enjoying it I’m dancing and singing and the boys are so amazing. I kept looking at Ty and he kept giving me his cute smile and wink. I felt the sincerity in the words of the songs like he wrote it just for me. Which thinking about it maybe he did but I really don’t know. I always knew BK would make it big if he wanted to and I’m glad he found Ty because they are a perfect team. They finished singing and BK gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Tyler gave me a big hug and kissed me passionately the whole crowd went crazy. I went to walk off the stage and Ty grabbed my hand. Oh crap I knew it. Then BK got on the microphone “So not only is Cassie an amazing friend and girlfriend to Thubb she is one of the best song writers. She is also an amazing singer and I’m hoping she will sing a song with me. SO what do you say Cass” Ty handed me his microphone. I smiled “Um no thanks, I’m good” BK looked shocked as I pretended I was going to walk off the stage. “Seriously Cass” “No I’m joking, let’s do this” They started playing and we sang our song. The crowd went crazy they seemed to like it. It was a lot of fun and when it was over there were more hugs and everything then they finished their set and came off the stage. “You are some sneaky sneaky boys. When did you have time to come up with that?” “Oh you know while we were at sound check today” BK said with a smile. “Well thank you I love you both” they both said it back. Tyler gave me a kiss then he and BK went to change because they were gross and sweaty.  “Why are they so  sweet” “You deserve it they have to make it up to you somehow Cass” Roxy said “Well Ty does, BK doesn’t he didn’t really do anything wrong we were both stubborn and didn’t want to call each other. But this was amazing.”

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