Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Ok so back to the story” Bailey looked at me and smiled. We were trying to get found and we were just travelling playing wherever we could well Cassie helped us to play some of the larger venues that we got to play because she knew a lot of people because she was a very successful song writer. She helped us get on tour with Jake Owen. She would come to show and hang out and this is how she and Tyler met. I didn’t really approve of them because Tyler wasn’t ready for a real relationship yet. They ended up together anyway. At first everything for them was really good they had an amazing relationship but eventually they would have these fights because they both have a temper but we knew they would be fine. I thought it was a something special. But when it got to serious Tyler freaked out and cheated on her and she caught him. As you have noticed she has a little bit of a temper so it blew up into a major fight they were yelling at each other in the hotel and it got violent when she hit him and he pushed her and she hit the dresser. Security eventually came and she ended up staying in my room. She cried all night and I just tried to be a good friend. I was so disappointed in Tyler but he is my best friend too so I felt like I shouldn’t pick sides. Right now Cassie needed me and I was going to be there for her. The next day she left and caught a plane back to New York. She was so upset I knew I had to talk to Tyler. “What the hell T” “I’m sorry but” “but nothing you shouldn’t have done that she will never forgive you and you lost the best thing you would ever have.” He knew I was right but he was stubborn and just not willing to admit he was wrong. I couldn’t stay mad at him but I was just disappointed in him. I didn’t hear from Cassie for months she was just writing and working like crazy. About 6 months after the incident she was coming to Tennessee because she was moving there for work and to go back to school and she was building her house. I knew it was going to be near mine because she told Bonds. I needed to fix our friendship. So I sent her a text meet me for lunch or dinner?? She agreed but when I got there I got the shock of my life. Cassie had a bit of a belly and I knew she worked out so I knew she was pregnant. “Cassie how have you been” “Is that your nice way of asking about my belly” “yes it’s kinda out there” “I know I’m about 22 weeks pregnant” “What… how… When… and Why didn’t you tell me” She laughed “well you really wanna know the how and when” “no, but why didn’t you tell me” I know I just didn’t want to put you in a position where you had to keep something from Tyler because I don’t want him to know.” She was right that is a lot of pressure to have to keep a secret from him. But now I know she wants me too and I’m not sure I could. Then I looked at her and she looked sick “Cassie are you alright??” Before I could finish she passed out I had the restaurant call the ambulance. I was worried about her and the baby. We got to the hospital and the doctors took her back. She ended up being in a coma for a week but the worst part was that she lost the baby and when she woke up she was devastated.  She had her mom and a couple of friends there with her. She asked me not to tell Tyler she said there was no reason for him to know now. I agreed. “BK why weren’t you guys talking and why was she so mad at you” “I told her a month later I had to tell T because it was killing me” “and??” “We got into an argument and I walked out and we just haven’t talked” “Did you tell T” “no babe I couldn’t she would be really upset. This is the first time that I’ve seen her since she was in the hospital and I’m happy she’s here I really missed my best friend we’ve been through a lot but we always make up no matter what.

Bailey’s POV

I’m so glad that BK told me the story but I feel so bad for Cassie she loved Tyler and he broke her heart. She has had so much lost and pain in her life and she didn’t deserve it but she was strong I could tell that. “Bailey we should join the group and stop being antisocial” “I agree baby” I gave him a big kiss and hug; he started walking with me towards the group. He was so amazing and we’ve been together for six months and I never thought I would be with a guy so amazing especially Brian Kelly who I met at a bar one random night in Nashville. He picked me and I couldn’t believe it. He put me down grabbed my hand “come on beautiful” We walked over to the bus area it was 6 and they were going on at 7 so they had to start getting ready for the show. I sat down and started talking to my friends and Cassie comes over with a drink. All us girl were talking and just getting to know Cassie and the things she’s done and places she’s been. She has traveled to places I’ve only dreamed of. After a while I noticed Hannah was nowhere to be found I wonder what Tyler has told her. Probably nothing because he still hasn’t talked to Cassie. As I was about to get up and go find Hannah she came out of the bus with Tyler. “Where have you been Han” “Just hanging on the bus with Tyler” I know what that meant. I just smiled. 

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