Hiding in the moon light

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"The moon comes up on time tommarrow. Nothing crazy." Lewis said, looking at his watch.

"Good. I need a burger." Rikki Streached.

"Rikki!" Cleo widened her eyes.

"What? I'm hungry!" Rikki exclaimed, laughing.

Bella shook her head, slightly grinning while Emma sighed, and closed her eyes.

Zach just dove off the island when Weilan pulled herself on, drying her tail off, then quickly jumping to her feet. She took off for the forest when an invisible hand grabbed her shirt collar and dragged her away through the forest, with Weilan kicking and screamed until she was harshly thrown at the floor, leaves floating up from the hard impact.

"Who's there?" Weilan swallowed, looking around nervously when Erik suddenly appeared.

Before Weilan could do anything she was lifted off her feet and her body pressed against a tree.

"I know you know my secret Weilan." Erik hissed.

"You'll never get away with this." Weilan coughed.

"Funny," Erik dropped her. "How long have you known."

"When I heard the water Dragon was back." Weilan sputtered.

"How?" Erik snapped loudly, angry.

"I can't say." Weilan gulped.

"Fine. Don't tell me. But I'll find out. And when I do, you and your mermaid friends will be forced to leave Mako." Erik reached down and lifted Weilan up again, but by her throat, choking her.

"If you tell anyone about this meeting, I'll make sure too....." Erik laughed and paused.

"You know what I'll do." He dropped Weilan and dashed away, leaving her passed out on the island.

"Weilan? Weilan!" Ondina snapped her fingers over Weilans face.

Weilan coughed, then harshly sat up, looking around.

"Ondina!" Weilan fell back, avoiding Ondinas stare.

"What happened?" Ondina looked at her, slightly nervous.

"I'm fine, just a bit....dehidrated." Weilan swallowed, standing up, shaking her head.

"Ok, um....." Ondina was about to say something when Weilan smiled.

"Thanks Ondina for helping me. I better go get some food and water." Weilan smiled and turned on her heel, just before she darted away, trying to hide the fear in her movements, in her eyes.

"What do you think?" Veridia asjed, showing them the map.

"I think, you wasted paper!" Rikki laughed.

Cleo elbowed her but there was no need. Veridia did not seem rattled. She seemed as if she had expected this.

"I'm sorry that you think so, Rikki." Emily looked up at her, her hair swaying from her shaking body, from anger.

"Whoa, ok! Everyone just chill!" Bella stepped forwards, smiling fake.

Rikki rolled her eyes and Emily just crossed her arms and looked back at the map.

"Did you show this to the others?" Emma immeaditly asked Veridia.

"Yes, they wanted me to check with you." Veridia said smoothly.

"Still, the plan is stupid." Rikki cried, pointing at the paper.

"Rikki does have a point!" Lewis raised his finger.

The elder mermaid looking at him and tilted her head as if to ask what he had in mind.

"See, watch." Lewis crept up to the map and started hand jestering to each part of the reef and island, with the writing above them.

"If you want your mermaids positioned here, how are they going to travel to the island in time to chase it off. A whole group of mermaids, swimming could completely give you away if your trying to get the Dragon confused. What you need is two mermaids." Lewis explained.

"That would lead the Dragon around the other side of the island while the others get prepared on shore." Emma finished his sentence off.

"Whoa, that's smart." Bella gasped, sort of laughing.

"What did you think?" Cleo grinned, running her hands together.

"Ok, I'll run this by them. It's much more clever. Thank you Lewis." Veridia smiled.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 4Where stories live. Discover now