Treading Water

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For the time being in a cell Zach was given raw squid to eat which he never did. Thanks to Mimmi he was given the finest lobsters David could get. Luckily Zach's parents were on a business trip for two weeks.
Mimmi also had Zach's phone and when ever they called they had Mimmi, David, Evie and Carly all make excuses.

Meanwhile on Mako island stood Emily and Erik.

"Well done. I'm surprised." Erik smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Emily shook her head, crossing her arms.

Erik didn't answer.

"Let's just get back to working then." Emily rolled her eyes.

"First the cafe attack, now this." Ondina rubbed her eyes facing Evie.

They talked together often now that everyone was doing other things. Rikki, Cleo, Emma and Bella had went home for the week, their family's missing them. Weilans Grandmother was in town and Weilan went to help her settle into a hotel. Nixie and Lyla were working on getting Zach out of there. How? Ondina didn't know. The cafe had just opened again after they had fixed the damages, Ondina using her moon ring to fix alot of things. Evie nodded. David was working away to feed his rapid customers.

"Hey Ondina?" Carly called from the cool room.

Evie and Ondina looked to her.

"We could use your.....special talents back here." Carly strained herself to smile.

Ondina sighed then nodded, standing up. She followed Carly into the back. They were almost out of crabs.

"Here." Ondina shined her moon ring at the last crab, it suddenly duplicating.

Mimmi had taught her that. That's when she got an idea.

"Holy Shark!" Ondina jumped.

"Gotta go!" Ondina waved to Carly darting away.

"Wait!" Carly cried but Ondina was already gone.

"Guys!" Ondina yelled, tripping into the grotto.

"Ondina?" Serena raised her eyebrows.

Ondina barley noticed that her eyes were red from crying. Nixie was back searching for something in the potion shelf.

"I ran here." Ondina bent over to breathe in and out.

"I think I have a way to get Zach outta there." Ondina gasped.

Nixie dropped something and it shattered.

Serena tied the bags clasp shut and dove off into the ocean.
Emily watched Serena swim right above her. Her moon ring lit up. That only happens when more then 3 moon rings were near it. Emily knew what she was doing so she easily used her power to burn through the bottom of the little bag she was carrying. 11 moon rings fell out slowly towards her. Emily reached out and snatched them from the water and swam away to the island to tell Erik.

"Erik, Erik!" Emily raced up the beach to where Erik sat.

Emily approched him. Before he could say anything, she dropped the moon rings onto the sand. The stones glistened in his eyes.

"Where did you get them?!" Erik pulled himself to his feet, his eyes glued to the moon rings.

"Serena. She was trying to give this batch to the council to prove Zach's innocence." Emily snorted, throughing her head back.

"Good that you caught her." Erik coughed.

"Lucky. Thats all." Emily rolled her eyes, leaving him.

Erik watched her go. He was greatful that she was helping him.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 4Where stories live. Discover now