Outsmarting the teacher

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Bella and Rikki fell back onto the pier, Emma and Cleo breaking their fall. Another giant creek coming from above, the cafe.

"What was that?" Emma hastily stood up, holding onto the docks rail. Cleo helped the others to their feet just as,

The dock shook once more, Cleo, Rikki and Bella all tumbling back into the water with a splash. Emma nearly fell in but was holding on pretty tight. The three mermaids heads popped up.

"You go get to Ritas. I'll go see what's going on." Emma exclaimed, racing up the deck.

The cafe shook once more, broken glass showering the counter. Serena was now awake, a large bruise forming on her forehead, they crouched behind a speaker. Carly slowly getting to feet, groaning. Ondina and Evie slowly peaked out.
Erik had vanished from view, water sloching around at the entrance of the cafe.

"Is everyone alright?" Carly asked loudly.

No one answered as the buildings floor shook. Rain started pouring in again.

"Take cover!" Evie screamed, grabbing Ondinas hand, running across the cafe.

Emma suddenly used her moon ring and stopped the rain temporary as she entered.

"Whats going on?" She questioned entering.

"Run!" Carly darted up to her and grabbed her shoulder, directing her to the cool room.

"Dressing rooms!" Ondina hissed under her breath.

The two girls unlocked the third dressing room and entered, locking the door.

Ondina pressed her finger to her lips, slowly. Evie nodded as the rain slowed and as she peered over the rooms walls edge, Evie saw Erik step inside the cafe.

Carly and Emma bolted the freezers door.

"What on earth is going on here?" Emma almost yelled but Carly shushed her.

"It's Erik. I don't know what he's trying to do but, whatever he IS doing, it's pretty cool." Carly added quietly.

"Well, I sent Rikki, Cleo and Bella to Ritas, we should be ok." Emma breathed out when suddenly they heard light foot steps.

The girls swallowed and fell silent.

Rikki helped Bella up, dried her off then joined waiting Cleo as they rushed into the grotto.

"Hey guys-" Mimmi waved but Rikki cut her off.

"Somethings wrong." She gasped, fight for breath for she swam here as fast as she could.

"What?" Nixie stood up.

"The others are in trouble!" Cleo exclaimed.

"Who?" Lyla crossed her arms, tilting her head.

"Dunno. The cafe looked like it was about fall into the ocean." Bella explained.

That was enough for them to here. Cam grabbed his bag and left while the mermaids (including Zach) all dove into the grottos exit pool and swam away as fast as possible.

"What are we going to do?" Carly asked Emma, nervously jumping around.

"I don't know!" Emma groaned smacking herself in the face, closing her eyes tightly.

"We need to turn invisible!" Ondina clambered onto the rack of unwanted clothing to get right.

She turned herself invisable and snatched up a empty glass to her right. She counted, Three, two, one, in her mind then tossed the glass behind the counter, it shattering on the floor with a crash.

Eriks head turned and he himself turned invisable.

"Oh great." Evie sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"Shhhh!" Ondina snapped, slowly climbing down from the racks of clothing.

Footsteps creaked down by the desk, close to where David and Serena hid. Ondina carefully unlocked the door and peered outside just as Erik appeared right next to the speaker the two sat crouched behind. Surprisingly, he pulled the speaker away to his side and they were gone. Evie pulled Ondina back inside the dressing room.

"Call Zach." Ondina told Evie.

She nodded and quickly dialed the number holding the phone up to her ear.

"Nothing!" She answered back to Ondina after it went to voice mail.

Evie tried all of them, including Rita and Chris. None of them answered.

"What do we do?" Evie started walked around the small room, running her hands through her hair.

"I have an idea but its.....crazy." Ondina explained.

"It has to work or," Evie swallowed.

"We're tuna." Ondina whispered.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 4Where stories live. Discover now