A trip down memory lane

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"I swear!" Serena exclaimed to Ondina.

"Oh boy." Evie sighed.

"Where could they have gone?!" Ondina paced around the grotto.

"I have no idea!" Serena stated defending herself.

"The full moon is in TWO days!" Nixie sighed.

Serena felt like crying. In her mind this was all her fault.

"Serena, it's not your fault." Evie raced over to, her rapping her arms around Serenas shoulders.

"Thanks Evie." Serena sniffed.

Lyla walked in from the land entrence.

"I found something on Mako island." Lyla pulled out Weilans phone that she had lended to Lyla.

She showed them a photo of sand drawings.

"I couldn't read it." She rolled her eyes.

The scribbling was clearly done with a stick or rock.

"What is it?" Nixie asked, approaching her friend.

"I have no idea." Lyla answered truthfully.

"Whatever it is, it's freaking me out." Ondina groaned.

As night fell Mimmi went to sleep her dreams full of memorys.

"AHHH!" She remembered fighting Erik in the moon pool right before she was kidnapped.

But then with sharp pain she recalled something else. Pulling her hand back as Erik fell into the moon pool, losing his tail forever.

Mimmi sat up as fast as possible. Her tail sinking under water. How is that possible? She looked around to face Ondina.

"What's wrong?" Ondina tilted her head to the side.

"This....dosen't add up." Mimmi stuttered, her face draining of color.

Mimmi approched Zach's house and rapidly knocked on the door. Ever sense Zach was locked up, Cam inhabited his house. After three knocks Cam stepped out.

"What's up?" Cam smiled.

"Something doesn't make sense." Mimmi stepped inside past Cam.

"What?" Cam frowned.

"Erik. Nothing he does makes any sense." Mimmi sighed.

"We kinda already knew that." Can followed her inside closing the door.

"No, remember how he lost his tail from the Dragon?" Mimmi looked up at Cam.

"Yeah, but wasn't that a trick?" Cam tilted his head.

"At first I thought so." Mimmi sat down.

"And?" Cam said impatiently.

"Well, remember a long time ago, when we first met Rikki, Emma, Bella and Cleo?" Mimmi faced him.

"Yeah, I remember we learned that Bella was a real mermaid." Cam nodded, agreeing.

"Didn't we create a storm to defeat Erik?" Mimmi breathed out loud.

"Yeah, and it was on the crazy full moon night where who ever was in the moon pool lost their-" Cam froze.

Mimmi stood up.

"How does Erik?" Cam stuttered turning to face her.

"I don't know how we forgot but maybe he brainwashed us?" Mimmi said, thinking out loud.

"Yeah, maybe but with what?" Cam said puzzled.

"Hmm....." Mimmis eyes suddenly burst open.

"The northern pod spell!" Mimmi jumped.

"Huh?" Cam asked, frowning.

"The one they used against Nixie and Lyla!" Mimmi concluded.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 4Where stories live. Discover now