Plan B

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Erik walked down the cost, lines hands in his pockets. They had one more week to figure out what they were doing. Erik needed to figure it out. Of course anything they were doing couldn't stop the water Dragon. It was simple enough to steal moon rings from the council, Zach even did it to give those land-girls moon rings.
He had managed to steal 7 seven moon rings from the large holder in the council room under the cover of darknesss, breaking the pad-lock.

While he was walking, Erik saw something out of the corner of his eye. An orange tail. A mermaid? Right out in the open? She can't be any of the other girls, could she?
Erik glanced around then dove after her. He saw under water her face. It was surprisingly fimilar. She looked to him then pointed to Mako island. Erik frowned but then agreed to follow her. The two swam as fast as they could to the island. The girl, surfacing then dragging herself onto the island.

"What is wrong with you?" Erik hissed at her while drying himself off.

"What?" She laughed.

"You were right out in the open." Erik groaned, his tail vanishing.

The girls legs formed a few seconds after him. They both stood up.

"I was trying to get your attention." She smirked.

"What do you want? Are you a hatching or something? I'm only here cause you could of exposed us." Erik grumbled, crossing his arms.

"My name's Emily and I'm not a hatching." She snapped.

"Hey, wait a second. Your with them! You fought me earlier!" Erik pointed out to the ocean.

She blew at her side bangs.

"Like I would ever join them. A long time ago when I was just a hatching, my father helped create the merman chamber and wanted to harness its power to help all mermaids and mermen. He was killed in battle by one of the mermaids council members." She explained.

"That's what I was trying to do." Erik looked at her.

"Yeah, I know. They gave me A boring play by play. We don't even know if that stupid chambers gonna blow up the island, no one's turned it on." Emily sighed.

Erik agreed with her.

"So, what do you want from me?" Erik asked.

"We can work together. We can start the chamber up, harness its power and prove all those mermaids this place won't blow sky high." Emily smiled.

Erik was surprised. This was brilliant. How hadn't he thought of this before? Get someone on the inside to help him start up the chamber. But there was one flaw.

"How do we do that? I know how to access it but-" Erik was inturuptted but Emily.

"Don't worry! Leave that to me." Emily grinned.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 4Where stories live. Discover now