Always one step

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"On my count." Carly looked to Emma, their faces both pale.

"Three, two, one." Carly got louder and louder.

They opened the door running into the room as past as possible. Erik turning to face them, bursting into laughter.

"What the heck did you think you were going to do?" He laughed louder, staring them down.

"This!" Emma yelled, slamming her palm into the floor, it turning into ice. It spread quickly under Eriks feet, knocking him down.

"Run for it!" Carly scartted towards Serena and David.

"Where did y'all go?" Carly hissed.

"Down here!" Serena and David suddenly appeared.

They had been invisable. Serena placed her other hand on Carlys shoulder, turning them all invisable. Emma quickly made sure Erik was slipping on the ice, then ran towards the dressing rooms.

The dressing rooms door pounded.

"Erik!" Ondina whispered to Evie, stepping away from the door until,
"Guys, it's Emma! Lemme in!" She snapped from outside.

"Thank sea shells it's you!" Ondina suddenly cried, unlocking the door, pulling Emma inside, the lights flickering off again.

Night was starting to fall, songs from the beach rang through the cafe.
They must be having a party. Thought Evie.

"Alright, I have a plan." Ondina sighed looking to all of them.

She whispered to them, explaining.

"Thats.....brilliant!" Emma gasped.

Ondina snickered and Evie slapped her shoulder.

"Let's go already!" She said.

They slowly unlocked the door, the lock clicking out of place, the door creeking open.

"Alright, costs clear!" Emma whispered.

"Good, move it." Ondina muttered, the three of them filling out.

They stared forwards. Erik was gone.

"Where did he go?" Evie raised her eye brows.

"Nowhere." Said a low voice from behind them.

The three girls spun around facing Erik.

"You know, you all are really smart. But not smart enough to suspect my plan." Erik chuckled.

The three girls stepped backwards slowly as he approched, crossing his arms.

"You see, I was always one step ahead. I knew about the ice, the dressing room, even your little plan Ondina." Erik stepped closer again.

The girls stepped away, slipping on the ice, falling onto their butts.

"I knew all along, now there's nothing you can do to stop me." Erik laughed, raising his hands when,
"Except this." Serenas voice came from in front of the tables.

She shined her moon ring at him, blasting him away into a rack of clothes in Evies shop.

"Come on!" Carly said from the doorway of the cafe with David.

Serena helped her friends up and the dashed out as fast as they could.

"Get to the grotto!" Evie called to the mermaids.

Emma and Ondina dove off while David, Carly and Evie jumped into David's boat, sailing towards Ritas house.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 4Where stories live. Discover now