Two Truths and a Lie

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"Watch this." Mimmi entertained her friends by mixing up a grey potion with a pink potion, sending puffs of blue smoke.

"We are wasting time." Weilan rolled her eyes.

"We've been over the plan a thousand times." Nixie groaned.

"We desive a little break." Ondina told her.

Mimmi nodded and pulled up another potion.

Erik and Emily sat together on the beach talking.

"Are you sure this'll work?" Erik raised his eye brows.

"Why not?" Emily shrugged.

"Because, the council loves Zach." Erik sighed.

"Not worry, we have proof of you know what you saw." Emily looked down at her hand.

"Yes, I know what I saw. Now you go. I want to find a good cave to camp in." Erik dove off the island.

Emily rubbed her eyes and jumped off in another direction.

Emily swam as fast as she could to the council cave. She entered looking around. Veridia and Aquata sat next to the ring holder.

"I can't believe we've lost so many!" Aquata exclaimed.

"I can help with that." Emily said from behind them.

The spun around to face them.

"Emily? What are you talking about?" Veridia cried.

"Its Zach. He stole them all."

Now that break time was over the whole grotto was moving. The group either scribbling hiding places on an old map, practicing spells or making potions. Evie was helping Nixie a Rita out by marking good spots to sneak into to get away from the Dragon. Even Carly, David and Cam were assisting by mixing potions up or being spell practice dummys. Zach blasted Camron off his feet even though he was caught by Lyla who shoved him out of her arms.

"Sorry man." Zach smiled, pulling Cam to his feet.

"Zach!" Yelled a voice from behind him.

He raised his eye brows and turned around to face Veridia who was holding up Rikkis hand with a moon ring off her finger.

"Oh no." Zach whispered.

"What are you doing?" Mimmi cried, trying to pry the bars off the cave.

Zach was sitting on a dry spot in the cave thinking things over.

"Zach use your magic!" Serena yelled to him.

"I've already tried, no magic." Zach sighed.

Meanwhile Ondina and Welian were arguing with Veridia.

"You can't possibly be doing this." Ondina said, shaking her head.

"After all Zach has done!" Weilan explained.

"I'm sorry, he broke a law! He stole 11 moon rings!" Veridia said.

"How do you know that?" Ondina snapped.

"Because, those land girls hand moo rings on." Veridia said grimly.

"That doesn't mean he stole them to use them!" Weilan yelled.

"It was for a good cause." Ondina said pointing it out.

"The council believes he thinks he can start the chamber up with all those moon rings." Veridia told them.

"Why would Zach want to do that?" Ondina through her hands up.

"We don't know, that's why we are keeping him locked up." Veridia finished.

"You helped with this?" Serena spun around from Zach's cell to face her sister.

Aquata hadn't wanted this to get out but she couldn't lie to her sister.

"Yes." She said.

"I can't believe it!" Serena screamed.

"I'm-I'm-so-rr-Sorry!" Aquata stuttered.

"No your Not. Why are you even here?" Serena sighed.

"Well, there's a ceremony tonight for the half moon and I wanted you to come and sing with me." Aquata tried to smile.

"Really? You really think I'm going to come with you? You locked my friend in a prison cell for a crime he didn't fully commit!" Serena defended herself.

Before anyone could say away thing, Serena swam away. Mimmi turned back to her brother.

"I'm going to get you out of there. I promise." Mimmi smiled encouraging him.

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