One step closer

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"We found it!" Rikki and Lyla said at the same time walking into the grotto from different directions.

"You first." Emma and Nixie said together again.

"I'll go first." Rikki and Lyla stated.

"Fine, you go." Nixie and Emma said facing each other.

"Stop it! Nixie, go ahead." Rita sighed, she was standing at her work bench.

Nixie smiled and coughed starting to speak.

"We've found out about the memory potion." Nixie explained.

"Really?" Lyla cried.

Rikki and Nixie nodded proudly.

"How?" Emma asked.

"It was a weird sea shell or clam." Rikki explained.

"Where are the others by the way?" Rikki looked to Rita.

"Making a plan at the cafe." Rita answered, climbing down to them.

"Our turn." Emma smiled.

Nixie and Rita nodded.

"We found out how Erik was loosing his tail." Emma stated.

"How?" Rikki asked.

"It wasn't real. On the night he was knocked into the moon pool, it was a real moon pool power that would take away their tail for even. Just for 12 hours. The weird moon must've tricked Lewis and Erik made us forget it." Lyla said drasticly.

"That makes sense." Rita said approaching them, slowly.

"Now, what do we do?" Emma raised her eye brows.

"We fight." Nixie grinned.

"Let's contiue." Weilan sat down setting down a tray of juices.

"Alright, our plan is flawless. It's perfect." Ondina stated, smiling to herself.

"Your confident." Zach smiled.

Ondina rolled her eyes as the four other mermaids walked inside the cafe.

David saw them and started making for juices. Serena saw him working and flashed a glittery smile at him.
Carly saw the two staring at each other and stepped on David's foot.

"Your late." Cam hissed at them.

"Well, I think we can make up for it." Emma shot back.

The four sat down and explained.

"No way!" Cleo exclaimed, shocked.

"Yes way." Rikki laughed.

"We can put our plan into action now!" Bella cried.

"Lets do it but first...." Nixie pulled a lobster off the dish in the middle of the table.

"Girls gotta eat." Nixie pulled it up to her face but Mimmi shined her moon ring and the lobster rushed out of her hand and into Mimmis.

"The last lobster is MINE." Mimmi smiled, stuffing it in her mouth.

"Savage!" Rikki pointed at Mimmi.

"What's a Savegea?" Ondina questioned.

Everyone except, Mimmi, Lyla, Nixie, Ondina and Serena burst in laughder.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 4Where stories live. Discover now