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Rikki thought for a momment inching closer until she felt her tail brush up against a clam, stuck to the caves floor.

She dove under with out thinking and used her fingers to pull the clam out. She swam to the surface, the clam in her grasp.

"What's that?" Nixie asked.

"Dunno." Rikki answered honestly setting it down on the edge of land surrounding her.

Nixie and Rikki crouded around it, looking at its stone like shell.

Nixie flipped it over and touched the inside slimy part. She raised her eye brows and pulled it out. Inside the sea weed like stuff was a glimmering purple jewel that she pulled out and showed to Rikki.

"Whoa." Rikki gasped smiling.

"Lets go show the others." Nixie said.

"So, while there searching for what ever erased your memory, we need to find out how Erik lost his tail twice and got it back." Emma said to Lyla.

"Right." Lyla nodded stiffly, her arms crossed.

"So, I sort of get the Dragon tail losing, sense he was controling it he could make it look like he lost his tail." Emma paced around the moon pool.

"What about the full moon?" Lyla asked.

"I don't have a clue about that." Emma sighed.

"Maybe it just didn't work." Lyla shrugged.

"What?" Emma approched her, crossing her arms.

"Well, Lewis said that it only happens every 50 years. Maybe it just didn't work or did it for 12 hours like what Cleo told me." Lyla said.

"That's genus!" Emma cried.

"It is?" Lyla raised her eye brows.

"Of course!" Emma smiled happily, slightly jumping up and down.

"Ok......" Lyla slightly grinned.

"Let's go." Emma turned away from her and dove into the moon pool.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 4Where stories live. Discover now