Royal Escape

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Ondina asked her best friend.

Mimmi nodded happily.

"I'm positive."

"Alright, remember your stations. Quickly." Weilan told them.

Mimmi, Ondina, Serena, Welian and Nixie dove into the exit pool and left, Lyla diving out from the other side of Mako.

Rikki approched Lewis, him and Cleo holding hands.

"And just when I got used to this!"
Bella said looking down on her hand.

"Bella?" Emma suddenly asked.

Bella looked up.

"I know we all agreed not to mention it, but have you told anyone about the lost mermaid thing?" Emma asked, tilting her head.

"Nope. Only you guys and Will know. And of course the other group." Bella added shyly.

"Let's switch topics." Rikki smiled, trying to keep the conversation leveled.

"Hey, shouldn't we start the plan, I mean now that Zach's gone we need to do something." Lewis pipped up.

"Not for much longer." Carly ran into the cafe.

"Huh?" Cleo asked.

"The girls are freeing Zach as we speak." Carly smiled happily.

"We gotta get to the grotto." Emma cried, jumping to her feet.

"You go, I gotta tell Evie!" Carly yelled as they left.

Mimmi dove, swimming through the water. Her friends followed along side her. They swiftly turned around and just as they thought, during Zach's daily food drop, Veridia swam right in front of his cell.

"Veridia!" Nixie cried, waving at her to come over.

She approched them, gently waving her tail, with a straight face.

"We need to talk." Mimmi smiled sweetly.

Lyla swam around behind Veridia, carrying a large purple squid. This was their only chance. She set the squid into place, it's tentacles rapping around the bars of the cell. She tickled its head, the strength of the squid, ripped the bar door off.

Ondina muffled the sound with a bubble that she created with a flick of her moon ring.

Veridia flinched causing Lyla to freeze but otherwise the plan was going as planned. For now.

Zach slowly swam out, His eyes planted on Veridia. When Lyla knew it was safe she put the doors back in, sat the squid inside of the cage then swam away. Zach following her.

Mimmi, Nixie, Ondina, Weilan and Serena swam away, they all were slightly grinning.

Emily stormed up the beach.

"Zach escaped." She told Erik, sighing.

"What?!" Erik lept to his feet.

"I don't know how but those girls helped him. It's time to get the plan into action." Emily nodded, saying this mostly to herself.

"Ok. Fine. But we need to do one more thing." Erik said, turning around and walking into the forest.

Emily rolled her eyes and ran after him.

"Guys!" Rikki called, opening the bookcase of the grotto.

The others that were in the grotto watched then hustle down the stairs.

"Are you alright?" Bella asked, sitting down next to Serena.

"We're fine." Nixie answered.

"I think she was talking to Zach." Lyla grinned.

"I'm fine guys." Zach sighed.

Mimmi was talking to Rita in hushed voices near the back of the grotto.

"What are they talking about?" Emma whispered.

"Dunno." Weilan shrugged.

Lucky for them Rita and Mimmi approched them a few seconds later to tell them what was up.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 4Where stories live. Discover now