Chapter 10

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Renee glanced back to see the Phantom wading in after her.

Oh dear god, is he comitting suicide? What have I do-

She never got to finish that thought. The boat was knocked out from underneath, throwing her into the waters.

Erik swam faster. She would die if he did not get to her...

The mermaid, contrary to it's name, is simply a gianormous catfish. That does not make it unable to hurt people. Erik had raised it, so it dare not hurt him, or Madame Giry for that matter, but it would not hesitate to make a meal out of just about anyone else.

He saw Renee splash into the water, bum-first. She was only a foot or two away, just out of arm's reach. The mermaid had knocked the boat over, and was advancing on the flailing girl. Just in time, Erik grabbed Renne by the arm, and gave her the bamboo straw he was using to breath. She was consious, but barely so. She did not reject the straw, or his arms. The second Erik touched Renee, the mermaid turned away slowly and disappointedly, swimming to a far off corner of the lake.

Erik could hold his breath much longer than most men, but he was starting to feel the burn. He quickly swam upwards, Renee's limp body in his arms.

He dragged himself and her to the beach, and laid her down gently. He crawled up parallel to her, and flopped on his back. That last thing he remebered before going unconsious was cursing the feeling of water under his mask.

Renee's POV:

The last thing I remeber before blacking out was falling into the murky waters of the lake, and painfully inhaling a mouth-full of the foul tasting stuff. I still had the taste in my mouth when I woke up, coughing and panting. I was drenched, a bamboo straw hanging limply out of my mouth. For a moment, I freaked out, not knowing were I was. Then, just to my right, I saw the Phantom, unconsious, soaked, and barely breathing. I crawled over cautiously and laid a hand on his chest. He didn't wake up, but he was breathing. Next I placed two fingers on his wrist, to check for a pulse. Thankfully, there was one there. I stood up slowly, the drenched gown weighing me down terribly. I went inside and changed into the now second-plainest gown, from the same trunk as the first one. I sat down on the edge of the bed, wringing my hands.

What happened?

Why is he soaking wet?

Did he save me?

What was he saving me from? That is, if he did in fact save me...

He's still out there. The wet clothes can't be good for his health.

He's your captor! What do you care of his health?

He's also the only thing between you and Christopher.

I will never be free... No matter where I go, I'm never free...

My thoughts were interupted by a rustling outside the house.

It's eery how quiet everything is here, you can hear every little sound.

I had no doubt in my mind it was the Phantom. What was he planning to do to me? I can't escape, that nearly got me killed last time! Did he only save me so that he could kill me by his own hand?

I ran over to the door, hoping for a lock, but of course there wasn't one there. Just as I was about to turn away, he opened the door, looking down at me.

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