The Lavery Twins - Chapter 7

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Sorry for the wait. School is seriously taking over my life.

Okay like honestly IDGAF about religion, english, math or geography. CAN'T YOU SEE THAT TEACHERS?

and yes i go to a catholic school so i must learn religion against my will. The funny thing is....i'm such a sinner it's not even funny.

Plus, i have to work on my crazy ass writing. I write too much. Even my english teacher gives me funny looks when i hand in my essays.

I don't know if it's a miracle or a curse.

Whatever. LOL, I recently found out a couple of people i knew were on wattpad! I was like ":D"

Check out ma fraaaands on here guys :)




Anyways, enjoy! I feel really overwhelmed at the moment because at the same time I have to keep up with wattpad, I'm also working on another story I'm writing called 'The Unforgiven", which I'm going to publish when I'm done. My dad has connections, and I recently found out my uncle works with publishers and producers.

Can I get a BOOYEAH.

So yeah, I get confused, having to work on more than one story at the same time. But it's all good :D

So, the pic on the side is what Ally's hair looks like ------->

Freakin' amazing, right? :DD






Chapter 7.






"Dafuq?" My eyes nearly buldged out of my head and I saw what was in front of me. I was standing in the Laverys bathroom, ready to pull our precious prank on Shane.

The only thing is that there's like a hundred different shampoos and hair stuff! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO ACCOMPLISH THIS?

How can teenage boys have so much shower stuff? They have more shampoo than I do!

I was on the phone with Ally, and I had her on speaker phone as I kept my cell on the sink. She was my 'helper'.

"Okay," Ally said on the other line. "Maybe use the one that's mostly used?"

I bit the insides of my cheeks as I scanned all the products. I had no clue what guys used - there was also Grace and Ken. However, I'm pretty sure Grace used the Pantene's and the Herbal Essence's. There was also axe shampoo - I'm 99.9 percent sure that's for guys.

God. I didn't know guys washed their hair. Face palm.

"Ugh," I groaned. The blue dye was in my hands, and I was starting to feel overwhelmed. There's too much!

"Just pick one," Ally's voice crackled from the phone.

I rolled my eyes. "What if I put it in the wrong one? I don't want Grace or Ken to get it!"

"Why don't you just ask Shane what he uses?"

I sighed. "He'll know something's up."

"Then just take a guess! Whatever happens, happens. If you get the wrong person, I'm pretty sure you won't even be blamed in the first place."

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