Zoro Roronoa

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Sanji was pushed into the cell as the green haired man stared him down. The guards locked the doors as Sanji turned to them. They chuckled one of them spun the keys around his finger.

"Meet your new inmate, Zoro Roronoa and Sanji Black." One spoke.

"This is your final one Zoro. After this, it's the chair for you. Have fun you too" The other said.

Zoro rolled his eye as they walked away chuckling. Sanji gulped backing into the cells door. Zoro cocked a confused brow, his eye watching his every move. Sanji bit his lip and gulped. What did they mean final one? What's the chair?

"So, they let you be my cellmate huh?" Zoro asked.

Sanji nodded, "My name is Sanji it's nice to meet you."

He chuckled softly, "Zoro, it's nice to have some company after a good five years. So, what did you do?"

"I beat up a guy, because my girlfriend was cheating on me."

"Oh? Was it worth it?"

"I guess."

He pulled out his weights and sat on his bed lifting weights. Sanji stood awkwardly fiddling with the hem of his jumpsuit.

"So who's this guy that everyone's been talking about?" Sanji asked.

He looked up, "Me or Law?"

Sanji shrugged, "They didn't tell me a name."

"Probably Law."

Zoro pounded on the wall, "You hear that Doctor, they're still talking about you?"

There was a low chuckle on the other side of the wall.

"Sounds like the return." A husk voice spoke.

Zoro chuckled looking up at Sanji.

"So, you have a mate?" Zoro asked.

"A what?" Sanji asked.

"You know. Someone who's got your back and stuff like that."

"Like a friend?"

"If you want to call it that. Yeah. You got a friend?"

"I- I don't."

"Well, then we're mates. You haven't tried to pick a fight with me yet so. I like you."

There was a loud wolf whistle having Zoro and Sanji turn to a man dressed in a pink jumpsuit and a purple Afro.

"Zoro! Sweetheart!" He called.

"What do you want now Ivan?" Zoro asked.

"Who's your blonde beauty? Can I play him for a while?"

Sanji shuttered seeing a few drag men stepped out showing there faces.

"Well, looks like you made some admirers already."

"Sweetheart why don't you come work for me, you have a great body for it." Ivan hummed.

Sanji shuddered, "No way in hell!"

Zoro chuckled, "Sorry Ivan, maybe next time."

"Shame." Ivan sighed.

"What is it exactly they do?" Sanji asked.

"Every week, Ivan and a bunch of his mates host a room where they pleasure us. They have some pretty talented guys. But if he wants you to work for him I would taken up the offer-."

Lovers & Fighters Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora