Loulee & Zoro

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Zoro got up clutching the bars as he and Sanji watched Marco get locked away in Ace's cell. They glanced to each other before the doors opened and Sanji, Zoro, Law and Kidd headed over to Ace's cell. Where Ace was sleeping peacefully while Marco sat with his elbow propped on his knee.

"What happened?" Zoro asked.

"I got caught seeing Ace." Marco said.

"By who?"

"They installed camera's in my office without me knowing and. Here I am."

"Well. It ain't all so bad here. At lease you have Ace." Sanji said.

Marco hummed glancing over to Ace still sound asleep. He prodded him with his shoe but Ace didn't budge. Then he put his foot on the edge of the cot and kicked it over. But. Ace still was sound asleep.

"Luffy." Sanji said.

And with a snap, Ace's head popped up as he turned over to Marco. He grinned tripping over the bed and embraced him. Marco chuckled as Ace nuzzled into his stomach.

"Sanji Black?"

They turned to a guard who held a pair of handcuffs. Sanji approached as his arms were pulled behind him and taken down to the visiting room. Where Zeff sat with the basket sitting on the table. Sanji smiled heading inside and taking a seat. Where his ankle was shackled to the floor and his wrists were unlocked. Sanji sat down before Zeff and smiled to him.

"Hiya son." Zeff said.

"You couldn't of waited until after I had breakfast?" Sanji asked.

"Be greatful I came you eggplant."

Sanji chuckled as he glanced to the basket, tiny hands reached out from the basket. He smiled getting up and picking up Loulee. She bluthered with laughter as Sanji picked her up and held her close.

"I started a donation at the restaurant for your bail." Zeff said.

"Bail?" Sanji asked.

"How are you going to raise your daughter behind bars?"

"What about Zoro?"

"Look, we are just working on getting you our first then once we get you out we can work to his bail. All that matters is you getting out first."

Sanji looked down to Loulee who smiled up to him. He reached down pulling her blanket over her more. She grabbed onto his finger before sticking it into her mouth. Sanji chuckled removing his finger and stroked her hair. Zeff smiled softly watching his son hold his granddaughter. He glanced up to the guard and nodded. Having the guard disappear behind the door.

"So, what does Zoro think of Loulee?" Zeff asked.

He shrugged, "I'm not sure. I haven't talked to him about it."

"Well, if we bail him. What then? Will he help raise Loulee? Will you two get married? What then Sanji?"

Sanji looked down to Loulee, "I. I don't know."

"Then why don't we ask him?"

He perked up to Zeff and furrowed when the door opened. Sanji turned to Zoro being shoved in, barking at the guards. But shut up when he saw Sanji. He was seated beside Sanji and shackled to the floor. And his wrists were unlocked. Then two guards stood by the door. Sanji turned to Zeff then sighed and turned back to Zoro. His eye was to the blanket wrapped around in his arms.

"Is. Is that her?" Zoro asked.

"You want to hold her?" Sanji asked.

Zoro looked to his hands before looking back to the blanket. He nodded as Sanji placed the little girl in his hands. He was fixed on her, an never ending gaze onto the pale baby girl. She giggled reaching up her tiny hands to him.

"She wants your finger." Sanji said.

He glanced up to Sanji before he shifted her into one of his arms. Zoro wiggled his finger to her as she furrowed. She grabbed onto his tan and larger finger. She puffed her cheeks staring at Zoro's finger. Sanji smiled putting his hand on Zoro's knee.

"Well, are you going to ask him?" Zeff asked.

Sanji groaned turning to Zeff, "I will later, I'm letting him adjust."

"We'll he better know what he's getting into. I don't want him to back out the last second leaving you a single father."

"Even if it came to that, I'd be fine."

"I wont let that happen."

Zeff and Sanji turned to Zoro, he was still fixed to Loulee. She had fallen asleep against Zoro's chest. But her firm grip held tight to Zoro's finger. He turned to Sanji and Zeff who both shared he same confused look.

"I'm not going to leave you. I want to help you raise Loulee. I'll do whatever it takes." Zoro said.

"You would marry my son then?" Zeff asked.

"Dad!" Sanji barked.

"I would."

Sanji turned back to Zoro, "What?"

Zoro turned to Sanji, "I know what it's like to have someone betray you. I won't let that happen to you. And if I have to marry you to help raise this baby. Then so be it."

Sanji smiled, "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course, I told you I loved you didn't I?"

Sanji snorted a laugh and nudged him, they turned to Zeff who sighed. Zoro carefully put Loulee back into the basket as the two guards put Zoro and Sanji back into cuffs. Then they took them into the jail. Zeff sat in the room and smiled softy crossing his arms. The door opened as a man in black stood. He tilted his hat up showing his golden eyes.

"Guess who else is a grandpa." Zeff chuckled.

"Zoro what are you doing?" Sanji asked.

He stood up on the railing of the jail glancing down to the many wandering people. Zoro smiled as he saw the four and grinned. He cupped his hands over his mouth.

"Hey!" Zoro cried.

He earned everyone's attention having Sanji purse his lips backing away from the railing. Zoro chuckled turning to Sanji with a fat grin on his face then back to the jail.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" Zoro called.

Sanji's face grew to a dark red as he tugged on Zoro's jumpsuit. As he grinned happily and embraced Sanji. Then pulled back and furrowed.

"Is something wrong?" Zoro asked.

"You dont have to announce it to the whole jail." Sanji muttered.

Zoro chuckled, "Sorry, I'm excited."

Sanji sighed, "Why?"

He looked over to the railing and smiled, "I believed I was going to die here. But. You've given me a second chance at a new life."

Sanji smiled and kissed him softly, "I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

Zoro chuckled scooping Sanji up and spun him around before setting him down and kissing him once more. But this time. It was lustful, Zoro's teeth nipped and tugged on Sanji's bottom lip. He pulled back as Sanji clutched onto his jumpsuit.

"Zoro. I wanna do it." Sanji pleaded.

Zoro smirked, "I get to be a dad, and have sex the same day? Lucky me."

Sanji kicked him in the shin.

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