The Truth About Saga

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A/N: Whoops. Uploaded this to the wrong story. Sorry about that. Also after this story what would you like to see. Zosan or Lawsan? There's more explanation on my message board and I'll explain on Friday why I can't do a Marace story. Sorry about that too.

Sanji groaned waking up. Zoro sat beside him in the medical room holding his hand. He smiled softly as Zoro reached over brushing away a strand of hair away from his face. He leaned in and kissed Sanji softly before pulling back.

"Hey." Zoro whispered, "How you doing?"

"I'm hurting a little, but. I'll live."

Zoro chuckled as he was going to kiss Sanji again he stopped Zoro. He frowned pulling back to Sanji. He took Zoro's hand between his own looking at his worried onyx.

"Can you tell me what happened between you and Saga now?" Sanji asked.

Zoro sighed, "Yeah, it started six years ago. I was eighteen, had both of my eyes and very naive."

The cell doors opened as Zoro walked in. Two men held him in there strong padded grasp. He also had a muzzle on his face to keep from biting any other of the officers. Zoro tried to pull and get away but their grip was too strong. They took him up passing a cell where Law sat in his room flipping through a magazine. They made eye contact as the cell beside him opened. They removed Zoro's mussel and his cuffs before shutting the door. Zoro bolted to the door clutching onto the bars.

"I was framed! Those bastards!" Zoro barked.

"Whoa there tiger."

Zoro turned to a man with long purple hair and dark eyes. A card was stuck between his fingers rolling from each finger before back to his index. Zoro furrowed to him as the man chuckled.

"You must be the thieves hunter. I've heard about you." He spoke.

"Who are you?" Zoro asked leaning against the cell.

"Saga, one of the top dogs around here. Along with Law just next door. Say, why don't you be my mate."

"Why the hell should I?"

Saga shrugged, "Suit yourself, I mean I've been here for so long I can help you get out."

Zoro cocked a brow to that, "How so?"

"Just agree to be my mate and I will tell you the rest."

Saga approached him and held out his hand, Zoro took it giving a ferm shake.

"But. I was played." Zoro said.

Sanji watched Zoro furrow to Sanji's hand. His teeth grit.

Saga closed the cell door holding a makeshift tattoo needle. He sat on Zoro's lap tattooing in white ink on his skin. A large star on his neck and a line down his now closed eye. Saga stepped back and smirked handing Zoro the needle. Zoro took it as Saga rolled up his sleeve. He printed down a shitty drawing of a sword. Once he finished Saga smiled softly touching his irritated skin.

"Tonight you and me are gonna get out of here." He said.

Zoro smirked, "I look forward to it."

As the night fell Saga and Zoro picked the lock to there cell before taking hands. There tatto's glowing in the moonlight as they snuck past cells. Law got up walking to his cell and clutched the bars.

"Roronoa-ya." He muttered.

As they stepped outside the lights of the guards flicked across the grass. Saga and Zoro stuck to the walls before darting to the fence. Where Zoro boosted Saga up the fence before the siren went off. Zoro turned to the lights being shown on him. He turned to Saga jumping over the fence and stood on the other side of the fence. Zoro furrowed as Saga reached for him through the fence.

"I'll come back for you." Saga said.

Then he pulled back before the fence started its static. Zoro was tackled to the ground as Saga ran off. Leaving Zoro to fight off the guards, slowly becoming undone. He lost all sense of reason as he punched, kicked and knocked many guards out. Out of nowhere, Law stuck a needle into his neck pushing the blue fluid into his body. Zoro slumped to the ground as Law looked down to him. His eyes looked to the star irritation to his neck.

"I'd just you and me now." Law muttered.

"Since then, I haven't had anyone. Well until you."

Zoro looked to Sanji with tears in his eyes. He stiffened as Sanji embraced him. He cried onto his shoulder. He sobbed out sorries and he would never do that to him. A bunch of sobbed crying and whimpering. After a while Sanji calmed down as Zoro helped him back into the bed. Sanji wiped his eyes with his good arm. The door opened earning there attention. A guard escorted Zeff inside before he sat on the opposite side of Zoro. Loulee was asleep in her baby carrier who Zeff put on the floor.

"So. What did you do this time?" Zeff asked crossing his arms.

"I just defended myself from an intruder." Sanji said.

Zoro chuckled, "You should've seen the other guy."

Zeff chuckled to that. When the door opened once more, Ace, Marco, Kidd poked inside. Law was the first person to walk in with them following behind. Ace stopped before Loulee and sat before her. She started to wake up and her blue eyes met the curious brown ones.

"Pops, these are my friends, Law, Kidd, Ace and Marco." Sanji said.

"It's nice to finally meet you sir." Law said, "I'm one of Sanji's doctors."

"Can I hold her?" Ace asked.

Sanji turned to Ace, "Sure."

Ace grinned pulling the small girl out of her carrier. Kidd poked over his shoulder to the little girl. She had a large smile on her face meeting new people. Her blue eyes flicked over to Kidd and furrowed. Her lips pursed. Kidd furrowed back to her. Before she smiled and bluthered out laughter.

"Wow, I'm surprised he doesn't make babies cry." Law sighed.


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